
Part 2: A Tale of Seattle’s Chinatown 

This Part 2 blog continues the exploration of a single letter from the Chung Collection, from small-town Saskatchewan to transnational impact in Seattle, exploring how objects and spaces hold stories of resilience, migration, and history.

Myth-busting the “Cows On Campus” Photograph

[This is an expanded version of an article originally published in Alumni UBC’s Grad Gazette in 2010] One of the enduring legends from the history of the University of British Columbia is that the Faculty of Agriculture’s dairy herd was once allowed to graze along Main Mall.  But did this really happen? It is true that, during […]

The early Chinese-Canadian presence at UBC

One of the projects undertaken by our colleagues at UBC Rare Books and Special Collections during the COVID-19 shut-down of on-campus operations  has been to develop a new on-line guide to Chinese-Canadian materials in their collections.  One of the subjects being researched for this project was the identity of the first Chinese-Canadian graduate of UBC. […]