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E for Energy: Asian language Reads for the Science Literacy Week 2023

Asian Library is happy to participate in the Science Literacy Week again this year, September 18 to 24! The Science Literacy Week is a Canada-wide annual celebration to highlight the ways to explore and enjoy the diversity of Canadian science. This year’s theme is energy. Check out the list of great reads in Chinese, Japanese, […]

Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office Impact Report 2022/23

Recently the Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office released its 2022/2023 Impact and Activity Report, showcasing some of the year’s highlights and accomplishments.

For more information, or to share feedback please contact scholarly.comm…

Leslie Cheung 張國榮 – Hong Kong Icon (1956-2003): Bibliography

Between February and April of this year, UBC Asian Studies and the Asian Library collaborated to host an exhibition in memory of Leslie Cheung Kwok-Wing, the revered Hong Kong singer, actor, performer, and queer icon. This captivating showcase featured an array of publications, recordings, film posters, and other memorabilia from Leslie’s multi-faceted and transpacific life […]

New books at the Asian Library (July and August 2023)


BX9225 Y53 P66 2022
봉경 이 원영 : 민족적 대의 와 기독교 신앙 을 품은 독립 운동가 의 생애 / 임 희국 [and four others] 지음 / 서울 특별시 : 은행 나무
DS912.31 K55 2023
고려 거란 전쟁 / 길 승수 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 들녘
DS915.5 Y527 A3 2023
미사 일록 / 이 범진 ; 김 철웅 옮김 / 서울시 : 국외 소재 문화재 재단…