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Introducing new print journals on Japanese pop culture

We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to our library’s Japanese language collection – a selection of print journals dedicated to exploring the vibrant realm of Japanese pop culture, including anime, manga, and current films! スクリーン (Sukurīn; Screen) Founded in 1946, this monthly magazine has been at the forefront of Japanese serial publications devoted […]

Wine Industry Overview

Wine Industry Overview
Mon, 04/08/2024 – 14:10

Book Display: Exploring Sikh Heritage and Vaisakhi Celebrations

April is Sikh Heritage Month in B.C. and is a special time for celebrating Sikh culture, art, and history, as well as honoring the invaluable contributions of the Sikh community to Canada. It carries great significance for Sikhs as it was during this auspicious month that Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth and last human Sikh […]

New Books at the Asian Library (March 2024)

South Asian

BQ4570 L3 O4 2023
한국 의 범자 역사 와 문화 / 엄 기표 지음 / 파주시 : 경인 문화사, 2023
DS916 H364 2023
한국 근대사 연구 의 쟁점 / 한 승훈 [and 15 others] 지음 / 경기도 성남시 : 한국학 중앙 연구원 출판부
DS916.55 C464 2023
포스터 로 본 일제 강점기 전체사 : 일본 식민주의 미학 과 프로파간다 / 최 …