South Asian language

Threads of Tradition: Library Resources on Textiles and Patterns from Asia

From May 7 to July 3, 2024, the Asian Library collaborated with the Art Education Program in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy for the exhibition titled “Patterns as Poetic Practice: A Global Conversation Through Textile Cartographies.” Held at the Asian Centre foyer, this exhibition featured over 200 textile artworks from more than 15 countries, […]

New Books at the Asian Library (June 2024)

South Asian

BQ974 N64 Y83 2023
허공 에 가득한 깨달음 영허 녹원 : 27명 의 후학들 이 전하는 수행자 영허 녹원 대종사 이야기 / 유 철주 지음 / 서울시 : 조계종 출판사, 2023
DS913.392 Y37 N36 2023
조선 최초 의병장 양 달사 장군 문헌집 / 이 영현 옮김 ; 노 기욱 감수 ; 편집 기획 양 달사 현창 사업회 / 경기도 파주시 : 한국 학술 정보,…

New Books at the Asian Library (May 2024)

South Asian

GR305.5 J48 M87 2021
झारखंड की लोककथाएँ / लेखक व संपादक, डॉ. मयंक मुरारी / दिल्ली : ज्ञान गंगा, 2021
PK2099.37 E33 H56 2021
हिंदी फ़िल्मों के उर्दू गीतकार / लेखक, डॉ. नाज़िम शेख / कानपुर : शुभम् पब्लिकेशंस, पब्लि…

EDI in Asia display

We invite all our users to come and view our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Asia display, located on the upper floor of the Asian Library. The display underscores how EDI challenges and developments are not universal. Asia is home to a vast plethora of countries and therefore diverse cultures, ethnicities, religions, languages, and […]

New Books at the Asian Library (April 2024)

South Asian

DS753 W893 2023
制度与知识 : 明代官员通晓律意研究 / 吴艳红著 / 北京 : 商务印书馆
DS799.42 W3574 2023
轉化、交織與再創造 : 泰雅族、太魯閣族、賽德克族社會文化變遷 / 王梅霞著 / 臺北市 : 國立臺灣大學出版中心
DS919 H35125 2023
最寒冷的冬天 : 韓戰啟示錄 / 大衛·哈伯斯坦 ; 王祖寧 / 新北市 : 八旗文化
HD8748.5 J536 202…

New Books at the Asian Library (March 2024)

South Asian

BQ4570 L3 O4 2023
한국 의 범자 역사 와 문화 / 엄 기표 지음 / 파주시 : 경인 문화사, 2023
DS916 H364 2023
한국 근대사 연구 의 쟁점 / 한 승훈 [and 15 others] 지음 / 경기도 성남시 : 한국학 중앙 연구원 출판부
DS916.55 C464 2023
포스터 로 본 일제 강점기 전체사 : 일본 식민주의 미학 과 프로파간다 / 최 …

New Books at the Asian Library (February 2024)

South Asian

BL2225 A1 F87 2023
古事記に秘められた聖地・神社の謎 : 八百万の神々と日本誕生の舞台裏 / 神道学者三橋健編 / 東京 : ウェッジ
BQ4175 H57 2023
なぜ仏教は多様化するのか : “教え”は”真理”の乗物にすぎない! / 平岡聡 / 東京都渋谷区 : 大法輪閣
CD973 D53 K96 2023

New books at the Asian Library (December 2023)

South Asian

PK2659 A276 K856 2023
ਕੁਇਨਜ਼ ਲੈਂਡ: ਕਹਾਣੀ ਸੰਗ੍ਰਹਿ / ਆਗ਼ਾਜ਼ਬੀਰ / ਲੁਧਿਆਣਾ : ਚੇਤਨਾ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਨ
PK2659 D4465 B344 2023
ਬਾਗ਼ੀ ਹੋਈ ਪੌਣ / ਮਹਿੰਦਰਪਾਲ ਸਿੰਘ ਧਾਲੀਵਾਲ / ਬਰਗਾੜੀ, ਪੰਜਾਬ : ਪੀਪਲਜ਼ ਫ਼ੋਰਮ
PK2659 D46576 H38 2023
ਹੌਲ : ਨਾ…

A Guide to the Asian Library New Exhibit, “Hidden Gems at Asian Library”

UBC Asian Library is known for its collection of Asian-language scholarly resources to support the research, teaching, and learning activities of scholars, students, and community members at UBC. Have you ever wondered what odd, unique, or wonderful items we have accumulated in the course of building our library collections for over 60 years? We are […]

New books at the Asian Library (May 2023)

South Asian

BQ2240 F367 F86 2023
東アジア仏教の生活規則梵網経 : 最古の形と発展の歴史 / 船山徹著 / 京都市 : 臨川書店
BQ8249 G947 H54 2023
東アジア仏教思想史の構築 : 凝然・明恵と華厳思想 / 野呂靖, 張文良, 金天鶴編 / 京都市 : 法蔵館
DS832 O56 2022
「新しいアイヌ学」のすすめ : 知里幸恵の夢をもとめて / 小野有五 / 東京 : 藤原書店