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New books at the Asian Library (October 2022)

South Asian

ND2849 D86 W824 2022
空间的敦煌 : 走近莫高窟 / (美)巫鸿 / 北京 : 生活·读书·新知三联书店
PL2894 A475 W63 2021
我的灵魂骑在纸背上 / 三毛 / 海口市 : 南海出版公司

Special Book Display: Remembrance Day — Lest We Forget

From October 29 – November 11, 2024, the UBC Education Library Collection Spotlight will feature Remembrance Day books and books about war. Here are just a few titles that will be displayed: 1. Remembrance Day: “Lest we forget” / Jill Foran “Canadian Celebrations provides an exciting look at the events that people take part in during […]