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Thank you Student Librarians 2023/24!

Asian Library would like to thank our four excellent Student Librarians who worked with librarians, staff, and each other, to support the Library’s services in 2023. Student Librarians created displays, enhanced our collections, assisted with our records management, assessed our libguides, and more. We applaud the work and activities of these outstanding iSchool students! Fin […]

New Books at the Asian Library (May 2024)

South Asian

GR305.5 J48 M87 2021
झारखंड की लोककथाएँ / लेखक व संपादक, डॉ. मयंक मुरारी / दिल्ली : ज्ञान गंगा, 2021
PK2099.37 E33 H56 2021
हिंदी फ़िल्मों के उर्दू गीतकार / लेखक, डॉ. नाज़िम शेख / कानपुर : शुभम् पब्लिकेशंस, पब्लि…