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Thank you Student Librarians 2023/24!

Asian Library would like to thank our four excellent Student Librarians who worked with librarians, staff, and each other, to support the Library’s services in 2023. Student Librarians created displays, enhanced our collections, assisted with our records management, assessed our libguides, and more. We applaud the work and activities of these outstanding iSchool students! Fin […]

New Books at the Asian Library (May 2024)

South Asian

GR305.5 J48 M87 2021
झारखंड की लोककथाएँ / लेखक व संपादक, डॉ. मयंक मुरारी / दिल्ली : ज्ञान गंगा, 2021
PK2099.37 E33 H56 2021
हिंदी फ़िल्मों के उर्दू गीतकार / लेखक, डॉ. नाज़िम शेख / कानपुर : शुभम् पब्लिकेशंस, पब्लि…

Discover the New Seed Lending Library at Asian Library

Now is a good time to plant! Come get some seeds for your garden or a windowsill pot at the Seed Lending Library, newly opened in Asian Library. The process is simple: “Sign out” seeds by writing the date, your name, and which seeds you are taking in the Visitor’s Log Take the seeds with […]

New Persian Journal Database: NoorMags

Launched by the Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences, NoorMags (Noor Specialized Magazines Website) provides access to over 660,000 articles from over 2,800 humanities and social science journals. In addition to Islamic studies, the database includes articles on literature, language, political science, education, art and architecture, management, library and information studies, and more. Articles are […]

Patterns as Poetic Practice: A Global Conversation Through Textil Cartographies

Please come by the Asian Centre foyer to view “Patterns as Poetic Practice: A Global Conversation Through Textile Cartographies.” The exhibition will run from May 7 to July 3, 2024. This collaboration between the Art Education Program, The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy and the Asian Library offers an enriching experience that transcends cultural boundaries […]

EDI in Asia display

We invite all our users to come and view our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Asia display, located on the upper floor of the Asian Library. The display underscores how EDI challenges and developments are not universal. Asia is home to a vast plethora of countries and therefore diverse cultures, ethnicities, religions, languages, and […]

New Books at the Asian Library (April 2024)

South Asian

DS753 W893 2023
制度与知识 : 明代官员通晓律意研究 / 吴艳红著 / 北京 : 商务印书馆
DS799.42 W3574 2023
轉化、交織與再創造 : 泰雅族、太魯閣族、賽德克族社會文化變遷 / 王梅霞著 / 臺北市 : 國立臺灣大學出版中心
DS919 H35125 2023
最寒冷的冬天 : 韓戰啟示錄 / 大衛·哈伯斯坦 ; 王祖寧 / 新北市 : 八旗文化
HD8748.5 J536 202…

Introducing new print journals on Japanese pop culture

We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to our library’s Japanese language collection – a selection of print journals dedicated to exploring the vibrant realm of Japanese pop culture, including anime, manga, and current films! スクリーン (Sukurīn; Screen) Founded in 1946, this monthly magazine has been at the forefront of Japanese serial publications devoted […]

Wine Industry Overview

Wine Industry Overview
Mon, 04/08/2024 – 14:10

Book Display: Exploring Sikh Heritage and Vaisakhi Celebrations

April is Sikh Heritage Month in B.C. and is a special time for celebrating Sikh culture, art, and history, as well as honoring the invaluable contributions of the Sikh community to Canada. It carries great significance for Sikhs as it was during this auspicious month that Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth and last human Sikh […]