National Film Board – “Sorry this content is not available to view in your current location.”

When trying to access National Film Board (NFB) films users may see a “Sorry this content is not available to view in your current location.” error when trying to watch the film. eResources is investigating and working on a long term solution As a short-term workaround, you might be able to watch the film if […]

Pitchbook Login Issues

Users of Pitchbook may see some login issues or an “Invalid IP” error. To successfully login, make sure: You are logging in via the UBC Pitchbook site, not The UBC Pitchbook site looks like the screenshot below. A ‘Invalid IP error’ is either caused by logging by the wrong page ( instead of the […]

Criterion and Audio Cine Issues when using Firefox browser

When using the Firefox browser, users may see a “Media unavailable: You don’t have permissions to view this media” error when they try to stream a video. This error is more likely when using a UBC computer. eResources is working on the issue. As a workaround, please use a different browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari) to […]