eResources Blog

Error message: CWL Authentication – Unsupported request

We are currently experiencing access issues with all online resources that use OpenAthens.
We are working to resolve this issue.

Holiday Closure for eResources & Access Help

Happy Holidays!
The eResources & Access Team will be away from the afternoon of Dec. 24th until Jan. 1st. Please report any access problems using the Electronic Resources Help form, and we will work on them when we are back on Jan 2nd.

CNKI eBooks access issues – workaround by accessing old user interface

We are currently seeing some issues with accessing CNKI eBooks.
A workaround is to use the old user interface. The connect to resource link on the CNKI eBooks resouce page has been updated.
eResources is continuing to investigate resolving the new inte…

Summon searches resulting in Application Error message

Summon is experiencing intermittent issues with searches failing to complete and displaying an “Application Error. Your search has failed to complete. Please try again.” Other institutions are experiencing the same problem, and the Summon vendor is working on it. Some workarounds for finding and accessing materials in the Library collection: use the “Books & Media” […]

Criterion and Audio Cine Issues when using Firefox browser

When using the Firefox browser, users may see a “Media unavailable: You don’t have permissions to view this media” error when they try to stream a video. This error is more likely when using a UBC computer. eResources is working on the issue. As a workaround, please use a different browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari) to […]

Issues with accessing New Factiva Interface

The ‘Switch Factiva’ button to switch to Factiva’s new user interface is not working for UBC users.
As a workaround use the new interface link on the Factiva Resource Page –…

503 Service Error occurring for multiple resources – Pitchbook, Passport

Resolved September 27 2024 at 3:10pm We are seeing an ongoing issue with resources that use EZProxy for access producing a 503 Service Error. This includes resources like: Pitchbook – Passport – Any resource that has ‘ezproxy’ in the URL to access it will be impacting by this issue. We are working to […]

Issues when accessing CNKI eBooks

We are currently seeing some issues with accessing CNKI eBooks.
eResources is Investigating.

Issues accessing Passport GMID

Ongoing Issues when trying to navigate and access Passport GMID
EResources is investigating!

Pitchbook Access Issue

We had a technical issue yesterday that blocked access to Pitchbook. You should now be able to access Pitchbook by logging in via the Resource Page website – If you get a Account Expired error. Try using the ‘Create an Account’ option, using the same email and your account will be reinstated. If you […]