New books at the Asian Library (April 2023)

B5234 C4635 J5 2022
旧邦新命与中国哲学 : 陈来学术研究文集 / 杨立华, 赵金刚主编 / 北京 : 社会科学文献出版社

CB13 H356 2021
海上丝路世界百年 : 稀见历史影像修复与考订 / 徐宗懋图文馆著 / 北京 : 商務印書館

DS777.488 X56 X562 2022
熊式輝日記, 1930-1939 / 熊式輝著 ; 林美莉校註 / 臺北市 : 中央研究院近代史研究所

DS799.625 X827 2021
理想與幻滅 : 中華民國外交史的1960年代 / 許文堂著 / 臺北市 : 中央研究院近代史研究所

HQ684 A25125 2022
内闱 : 宋代妇女的婚姻和生活 / (美)伊沛霞著 ; 胡志宏译 / 南京 : 江苏人民出版社

PL2303.23 L54 2022
20世纪中国文学批评的海外视野 : 当代海外华人学者批评理论研究 / 李凤亮著 / 北京市 : 生活・讀書・新知三联书店

PL2415 W86 2022
长篇小说的冷与热 / 吴义勤著 / 西安市 : 陕西师范大学出版总社

PL2801 N2 Z7375 2022
黄金和诗意 : 茅盾长篇小说研究四题 / 李国华著 / 上海 : 华东师范大学出版社

PL2947.5 U7737 W36 2021
晚清之變 : 物换星移 / 吕峥著 / 北京市 : 中華書局

PL2920 E556 Q466 2021
穹宇涉獵 / 文釗 著 / 臺北市 : 致出版

PL2920 E556 X564 2021
星際尋覓 / 文釗 著 / 臺北市 : 致出版

PL2837 K79 E35 2022
鱷眼晨曦 / 張貴興著 / 臺北市 : 時報文化出版企業股份有限公司

BL1812 Y55 J85 2022
呪術と学術の東アジア : 陰陽道研究の継承と展望 / 陰陽道史研究の会編 / 東京 : 勉誠出版

DS515 S555 2022
「下から」歴史像を再考する : 全体性構築のための東アジア近現代史 / 伊藤俊介, 小川原宏幸, 愼蒼宇編 / 東京 : 有志舎

DS896.5 H558 2022
「徳川禁令考」から読み解く, 江戶庶民の暮らしと文化 / 廣瀬尚美著 / 東京 : 雄山閣

E183.8 J3 C549 2022
「地球社会」時代の日米関係 : 「友好的競争」から「同盟」へ, 1970-1980年 / 長史隆著 / 東京 : 有志舎

HD8728.5 A2 J535 2022
人口減少・超高齢社会と外国人の包摂 : 外国人労働者・日本語教育・民俗文化の継承 / 熊谷嘉隆監修 ; 成澤徳子編集代表 ; 秋葉丈志, 豊田哲也, 根岸洋編 / 東京 : 明石書店

HV4607 A4 S25 2022
エンパワメントの視点に基づく路上生活者支援 : 多様な自立のあり方に応じたソーシャルワークへの転換 / 櫻井真一 / 東京 : 明石書店

LC4097 J3 T45 2022
低所得層家族の生活と教育戦略 : 収縮する日本型大衆社会の周縁に生きる / 山田哲也監修 ; 松田洋介, 小澤浩明編著 / 東京 : 明石書店

PL713 A58 E53 2022
安藤野雁追跡 : 幕末万葉集研究者の生と死 / 遠藤宏 / 東京 : 花鳥社

PL870 K364 S88 2022
スタッフロール = Staffroll / 深緑野分 / 東京 : 文芸春秋

PL871.5 S5524 W34 2022
我が友, スミス = Smith, my friend / 石田夏穂 / 東京 : 集英社

PL872.5 A38 T37 2022
タラント / 角田光代 / 東京 : 中央公論新社

PL872.5 A865 H37 2022
春のこわいもの / 川上未映子 / 東京 : 新潮社

PL873.5 A352 N96 2022
女人入眼 / 永井紗耶子 / 東京 : 中央公論新社

PL875.5.U535 M39 2022
黛家の兄弟 / 砂原浩太朗 / 東京 : Kodansha

BL2230 Y86 2022
한국 의 종교 교단 과 콘텍스트 / 윤 용복 저 / 서울시 : 박문사

BX1670.5 Y88 2022
근현대 천주교 의 실천 과 삶 / 윤 용복 저 / 서울시 : 박문사

DS747.2 S7553 K96 2022
자치 통감 / 사 마광 지음 ; 권 중달 옮김 / 서울 : 도서 출판 삼화

GT2850 S55 2022
인류세 식탁 : 21세기 음식 과 섭생 의 푸드 서사 / 신 두호 지음 / 경기도 고양시 : 학고방

GT2883 K6 K86 2022
“정조지” 의 음청류 의 현대적 분류 / 권 정순 / 서울 : 민속원

HD8005.2 K63 S66 2022
선언 에서 변혁 으로 : 20년 역사 기록 2001~2022 / 전국 공무원 노동 조합 강원 지역 본부 동해시 지부 백서 편찬 위원회 / 경기도 고양시 : 한내

HQ1765.5 K487 2022
격정 의 문장들 : 상언 에서 독자 투고 까지, 여성들 의 목소리 를 찾아서 / 김 경미 지음 / 서울시 : 푸른 역사

HT169 K6 Y52 2022
서울 어바니즘 : 서울 도시 형태 의 회고적 읽기 / 이 상헌 / 서울 특별시 : 공간 서가

HV6626.54 K6 A3 2022
아이 를 학대 하는 사회, 존중 하는 사회 : 아동 학대 를 멈추고 인권 감수성 을 높이는 길 을 찾아 / 편집실 엮음 ; 글쓴이 이 성경 외 / 서울시 : 민들레

LA1332 N3 2022
삐딱한 나 선생 의 학교 바로 보기 / 나 영상 씀 / 경기도 고양시 : 단비

JC599 K6 I55 2022
인권 현장 으로 떠나는 평화로운 화요일 / 김 홍탁 지음 ; 다문화 평화 교육 연구소 엮음 / 인천시 강화군 : 도서 출판 말

PL927 K496 2022
어른 의 문장력 : 매일 쓰는 말 과 글 을 센스 있게 만드는 법 / 김 선영 (글밥) 지음 / 서울시 : 더 퀘스트

PL989 A1 K873 2022
한문본 금산사 몽유록 연구 / 양 반 / 서울시 : 역락

PN6377 K6 C43 2022
수수께끼 사전 / 장 정룡 지음 / 경기도 고양시 : 국학 자료원 새미

S515 L8614 2022
농상 의식 촬요 역주 / 魯名善 지음 ; 최 덕경 역주 / 서울시: 신서원

TX357 Y58 2022
기후 미식 : 우리 가 먹는 것 이 지구 의 미래 다 / 이 의철 지음 / 서울 특별시 : 위즈덤 하우스

Law Library Special Hours April 2023

April 28 8:30 am – 5 pm April 29-30 CLOSED

Asian Library Research Lens – Call for Proposals

UBC Asian Library calls for lightning talk proposals from UBC scholars, students, staff, and community members.

UBC Asian Library supports scholars, students, staff, and community members conducting research on, or learning about Asia and Asian heritage. Our resources include not only academic books and databases but also films, music, newspapers, magazines, children’s literature, etc. In the week of June 5th, Asian Library will host a set of lightning presentations on how our users are engaged with our collections and services for their research, studies, and entertainment. Each presenter will present their topic of interest and then discuss how Asian Library’s resources were relevant to the research. There will be time for Q & A with the audience.

To submit, please send the following to, with the subject line “Asian Library Research Lens”:

  • Your name and contact information
  • A brief blurb introducing yourself
  • A brief summary of your presentation; 200-500 words will suffice. This will include:
  • Your research question/topic of interest
  • The UBC Asian Library resource(s) that you used. See examples below.
  • Your accessibility and tech needs, if any
  • Any other information you wish to give us, and any questions you have
  • The deadline to submit your proposal is Wednesday, May 10th, 2023. You will be contacted by May 19th.

The lightning presentations will be 5-6 minutes in length each. You may wish to use slides or videoclips. This event will be held online using Zoom. The event is planned for the week of June 5th, 2023.

Examples of Resource Use

  • For Korean language learning, presenter used physical Asian Language collections, and especially enjoyed using the DVD set of the Korean drama series Misaeng(Asian language materials in ASRS or PARC are also acceptable).
  • For an undergraduate paper on women poets of Iran, presenter used the UBC Library Research Guide for Iranian Studies to locate and use the open resource, Encyclopedia Iranica.
  • Presenter used their CWL to access licensed Asian language e-resources such as the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism.

Presenter used Asian language resources available through UBC’s Open Collections, such as the Japanese Maps of the Tokugawa Era Collection, of which the physical items are housed in Rare Books and Special Collections (RBSC).

Asian Library book display: Sikh Heritage Month and Vaisakhi

April is observed as Sikh Heritage Month to celebrate Sikh culture, art and history and to appreciate the contributions that the Sikh community has made in Canada. The month of April carries great significance for Sikhs as it was in this month that the Khalsa order was established by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth and the last human Sikh Guru. This day is called Vaisakhi (also spelled Baisakhi) and is celebrated on the 13th or 14th of April each year. It also marks the beginning of the spring harvesting season when farmers pay tribute to and thank God for the abundant harvest while praying future prosperity.

For more information about the Sikh Heritage Month and Vaisakhi, come and visit our new display at the Asian Centre foyer! The display will be on until the end of April.

Ongoing COVID-19 & Business Research Resources for BC Small Businesses

Ongoing COVID-19 & Business Research Resources for BC Small Businesses amber Thu, 04/06/2023 - 10:52

New books at the Asian Library (March 2023)

B127 C65 C54 2022
조선 경학 의 문화 다원론적 이념 과 실천 / 한림 대학교 태동 고전 연구소 편 ; 집필진 엄 연석 / 경기도 고양시 : 동 과 서

DS915.5 R5 O33 2022
校勘 影印 獄中 雜記 / 우남 이 승만 전집 발간 위원회, 연세 대학교 이 승만 연구원 편 ; 柳 永益, 李 明來, 崔 然植 校勘·編次 / 서울 특별시 : 연세 대학교 대학 출판 문화원

GE195 K325 2022
환경 과 연대 : 생태 연대주의 사상 과 정책 / 강 수택 지음 / 서울시 : 이학사

HC79 E5 P3325 2022
기후 1.5℃ 미룰 수 없는 오늘 : 생존 과 번영 을 위한 글로벌 탄소 중립 레이스 가 시작 됐다! / 박 상욱 지음 / 경기도 의정부시 : 초사흘 달

HQ1237.5 K6 U7 2022
우리 는 한 번 도 잠들지 않았다 : 정치 사회 편 / 여성 전진 공동 행동 지음 ; 저자 채 원영 / 서울시 : 허 사이트

ML342.5 C45 2022
아악부 와 국악 / 전 지영 지음 / 경기도 성남시 : 북 코리아

NA1567 S4 I475 2022
서울 건축사 : 건축 으로 읽는 629년 의 사회 문화사 : 1394-2022 / 임 석재 / 서울 특별시 : 미진사

PL958.8 K935 2022
정화 된 밤 : 권 희철 평론집 / 권 희철 / 경기도 파주시 : 문학 동네

PL981.8 K557 2022
2022 김 승옥 문학상 수상 작품집 / 편 혜영, 김 연수, 김 애란, 정 한아, 문 지혁, 백 수린 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 문학 동네

PL992.2 H48 S975 2022
슬픔 이 택배 로 왔다 : 정 호승 시집 / 정 호승 / 경기도 파주시 : 창비

PL994.55 H94 K8 2022
클로버 : 나 혜림 장편 소설 / 나 혜림 / 경기도 파주시 : 창비

WS350.8 A8 C48 2022
젊은 ADHD 의 슬픔 / 정 지음 에세이 / 서울시 : 민음사

BL2017.6 S25 2022
ਗੁਰਸਿੱਖੋ ਸਿੱਖੀ ਬਚਾਓ : ਦੇਸ਼-ਵਿਦੇਸ਼ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਝੁਲਾਓ / ਗੁਰਬਖਸ਼ ਸਿੰਘ ਸੈਣੀ / ਅੰਮਿ੍ਤਸਰ: ਸਿੰਘ ਬ੍ਰਦਰਜ਼

HQ801 S87 2022
Pavitra pāpa : strī-purusha sambandha ke samīkaraṇoṃ para saṃvāda / Suśobhita / Noeḍā, Uttara Pradeśa : Setu Prakāśana

PK2077 K38 2022
कारवाँ मंज़िल की ओर : साझा कहानी संकलन / संपादक, हिमाद्री ‘समर्थ’ / जयपुर : साहित्यागार

PK2098 S292 A83 2022
अंधेरे के दीप / लेखक, ओमप्रकाश शर्मा / दिल्ली : नीलम जासूस कार्यालय

PK2098.25 O7358 D48 2022
देवभूमि डेवलपर्स : उत्तराखंड के जन आंदोलनों, पृथक राज्य के एवं स्वप्न-ध्वंस, प्राकृतिक संसाधनों की लूट, भुतहा होते गाँव और बड़े बाँधों में डूबते समाज की : औपन्यासिक गाथा / नवीन जोशी / नोएडा : हिन्द युग्म

PK2098.26 A4143 B66 2022
बॉम्ब ब्लास्ट : (विजय व अलफांसे सीरीज का एक बेहद रोमांचक उपन्यास) / वेद प्रकाश काम्बोज / दिल्ली : नीलम जासूस

PK2098.28 L487 K53 2022
खामोश निगाहें / सुरेन्द्र कुमार मल्होत्रा / नई दिल्ली : किताबघर प्रकाशन

PK2099.32 H85 G43 2022
घासी : लाल कैंपस का भगवाधारी / ललित फुलारा / नई दिल्ली, भारत : यश पब्लिकेशंस

PK2099.36 R64 P35 2022
पैंतरा / वेद प्रकाश शर्मा / गुड़गांव, हरियाणा, भारत : हिन्द पॉकेट बुक्स

PK2659 J264 G43 2022
ਘੜੇ ‘ਚ ਦੱਬੀ ਇਜ਼ਤ / ਬਰਾੜ ਜੈਸੀ / Patiala : Caliber Publication

PK2659 S514 Z46 2022
ਮੇਰੀ ਜੀਵਨ ਪਟਾਰੀ ‘ ਚੋਂ : ਸ੍ਵੈ – ਜੀਵਨੀ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਬੰਧਿਤ ਲੇਖਾਂ ਦਾ ਸੰਗ੍ਰਹਿ / ਨਾਨਕ ਸਿੰਘ ; ਸੰਪਾਦਕ ਡਾ . ਕਰਤਾਰ ਸਿੰਘ ਸੂਰੀ / ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਸਰ : ਨਾਨਕ ਸਿੰਘ ਪੁਸਤਕ ਮਾਲਾ

PT8950 H3 S8166 2022
ਭੁੱਖ / ਲੇਖਕ, ਕਨੂਤ ਹਾਮਸੁਨ ; ਅਨੁਵਾਦਕ, ਵਿਪਨ ਗਿੱਲ / Mohali : White Crow Publishers

BQ6450 J32 S486265 2022
[近世後期の四国遍路と民衆の信心] 四国遍路と旅の文化 : 近世後期民衆の信心 / 西聡子著 / 京都市 : 晃洋書房

DS832.7 A1 M56 2022
新大久保に生きる人びとの生活史 : 多文化共生に向けた大学生による社会調查実習の軌跡 / 箕曲在弘編著 / 東京 : 明石書店

DS870 O73 2022
オランダ語史料入門 : 日本史を複眼的にみるために / 松方冬子編 / 東京 : 東京大学出版会

DS891 D48 2022
データで読む日本政治 / 日本経済新聞社政治・外交グループ編 / [Tokyo] : 日経 BP

GV708 S87 2022
スポーツと LGBTQ+ : シスジェンダー男性優位文化の周縁 / 岡田桂, 山口理恵子, 稲葉佳奈子著 / 京都市 : 晃洋書房

HV600 2011 T64 S257 2022
メディアとサバルタニティ : 東日本大震災における言說的弱者と〈あわい〉/ 坂田邦子著 / 東京 : 明石書店

N7355.6 N37 2022
ナラティブの修復 / 執筆 阿部明子 / 編集 清水建人, 脇山妙子 / 東京都渋谷区 : 左右社

NE1325 K3 A4 2022
日新除魔図の世界 / 北斎 ; 九州国立博物館編・著 / 東京 : 株式会社講談社

PL685 A36 2022
あいまい・ぼんやり語辞典 / 森山卓郎編 / 東京 : 東京堂出版

PL720.5 T28 2022
旅する日本語 : 方法としての外地巡礼 / 編著中川成美, 西成彦 ; 著ア ンドレ・ヘイグ, 金東僖, 杉浦清文, 劉怡臻, 呉佩珍, 栗山雄佑, 謝惠貞, 三須祐介 / 京都市 : 松籟社

PL747.63 C45 O48 2022
受難の文芸 : 近代日本の作家たちとキリスト教 / 奥野政元 / 東京 : 翰林書房

PL856 U673 Z8985 2022
村上春樹, 〈物語〉の行方 : サバルタン・イグザイル・トラウマ / 山根由美恵 / 東京 : ひつじ書房

PL958.6 K39 2022
架橋としての文学 : 日本・朝鮮文学の交叉路 / 川村湊 / 東京 : 法政大学出版局

PN1995 I5652 2022
映画を早送りで観る人たち : ファスト映画・ネタバレ : コンテンツ消費の現在形 / 稲田豊史 / 東京 : 株式会社光文社

DS748 C435 2022
从未央宮到洛阳宮 : 两汉魏晋宮禁制度考论 / 陈苏镇著 / 北京 : 生活·讀書·新知三联书店

DS761.2 F4649 2022
清末变法修律与中国刑法近代化研究 / 冯玉东著 / 杭州市 : 浙江大学出版社

LC3071 T334 2022
北美學踪 : 从温哥华到波士顿 / 唐小兵 著 / 上海 : 上海書店出版社

ND1040 Y873 2021
中国画学源流之概观 / 余绍宋著 / 杭州市 : 浙江人民美术出版社

PL2613 C55 2022
Chinese satire : sources and quotations / compiled and edited by Xiuwu R. Liu / Oxford, Ohio : Hermit Studio

PL2766 S5 Z935 2021
胡適考論 / 席云舒著 / 北京 : 商務印書館

PL2878 A456 B58 2022
毕业生 / 梁晓声著 / 贵阳 : 贵州出版集团 : 贵州人民出版社

PL2880 O2326 B36 2022
白馬與黑駱駝 / 駱以軍, 宋明煒作 / 台北市 : 麥田出版

PL2922 C49 Z668 2022
你心从容, 自当优雅 : 杨绛传 / 凉月满天著 / 兰州 : 甘肃人民出版社

PL3301 D3575 2022
戴庆厦先生口述史 / 戴庆厦口述 ; 赵燕珍采访整理 / 北京 : 中国社会科学出版社

PN2860 M569 2022
民眾在何處?: 亞際社會的民眾劇場 / 林欣怡 作 ; 李丁 譯 ; 李齊, 雷智宇, 劉紀蕙主編 / 新竹市 : 國立陽明交通大學出版社

PN2875 G836 Z457
紙上戲臺 : 粤劇戲橋珍賞 (1910s–2010s) / 岳清編著 / 香港 : 三聯書店(香港)有限公司

PN2879 Q56 2022
參與式劇場美學 : 21世紀的觀眾漫遊 / 秦嘉嫄著 / 台南市 : 成大出版社出版

TX910 J3 K87 2022
咖啡馆比其他河流更慢 / 库索著 / 长沙市 : 湖南文艺出版社

Reserved Seating in Law Library

Attention!Preparation for Law Exams in ProgressReserved seating is in effect! Please observe signage.

Nowruz: A Celebration of Renewal, Unity, and Tradition


Nowruz, also known as Persian New Year or Iranian New Year, is an ancient festival that has evolved and adapted over the centuries. Celebrated by millions of people worldwide, this unique event marks the beginning of the solar year and the arrival of spring. As a rich cultural experience, Nowruz transcends borders, embodying the spirit of renewal, unity, and tradition. In this blog post, we will explore the elements of Nowruz, how it has evolved over time, and what it represents to those who observe it.

The Origins and Elements of Nowruz

Nowruz, meaning “new day” in Persian, is believed to have originated more than 3,000 years ago in ancient Persia, now modern-day Iran. Rooted in Zoroastrianism, the festival has been passed down through generations and is celebrated today by people from diverse cultural backgrounds, including Iranians, Kurds, Afghans, Tajiks, and others.

One of the central elements of Nowruz is the Haft-Seen table, which is meticulously prepared with seven symbolic items, each starting with the letter “S” in Persian. These items typically include:

1. Sabzeh (sprouts): Symbolizing rebirth and renewal.
2. Samanu (sweet pudding): Representing affluence and prosperity.
3. Senjed (dried oleaster fruit): Signifying love and compassion.
4. Sir (garlic): Denoting health and well-being.
5. Sib (apple): Representing beauty and vitality.
6. Somagh (sumac): Symbolizing the sunrise and the triumph of good over evil.
7. Serkeh (vinegar): Denoting patience and wisdom.

The Haft-Seen table is not only adorned with the seven symbolic items starting with the letter “S,” but it also includes other elements that hold their own special significance. Among these are the mirror, goldfish, and coins. Each carries a symbolic meaning that contributes to the overall message of renewal and unity embodied by Nowruz.

Mirror: The mirror, often referred to as ‘Aayeneh’ in Persian, is placed on the Haft-Seen table to represent self-reflection and introspection. It symbolizes the importance of examining one’s actions and thoughts, as well as promoting self-awareness and personal growth. The mirror’s presence encourages individuals to reflect on the past year and look forward to the future with clarity and a renewed sense of purpose.

Goldfish: Goldfish, or ‘Mahi’ in Persian, are traditionally included as a symbol of life, fertility, and abundance. Their vibrant colors and constant movement represent the energy and dynamism of the coming year. However, in recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the ethical and environmental implications of keeping goldfish in small containers for the duration of the Nowruz celebrations. As a result, some families have chosen to reduce or eliminate the practice of including goldfish on their Haft-Seen tables. Instead, they may opt for alternative symbols, such as images or sculptures of fish, or choose to donate to environmental or animal welfare organizations as a gesture of respect for the original symbolism.

Coins: Coins, or ‘Sekkeh’ in Persian, are placed on the Haft-Seen table as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. They signify the hope for financial stability and success in the coming year, and the desire for abundance and good fortune for all those who participate in the Nowruz festivities. In some families, coins may also be given as gifts to children or loved ones, further emphasizing the theme of prosperity and well-being.
The evolving nature of the Haft-Seen table and its elements showcases the adaptability and relevance of Nowruz in today’s world. By adjusting practices to align with modern values and
concerns, the festival continues to serve as a meaningful and inclusive celebration for people of diverse backgrounds and beliefs.

The Evolution of Nowruz

Throughout its long history, Nowruz has evolved and adapted to the changing cultural, political, and social contexts. Under the rule of the Achaemenid Empire (550-330 BCE), the celebration of Nowruz became an official state holiday, and the tradition was later embraced by the subsequent Persian empires.

With the advent of Islam in the 7th century, Nowruz was initially discouraged due to its pre-Islamic roots. However, it eventually found acceptance in the Islamic world, and its celebration was preserved, often incorporating Islamic elements into the festivities.

In modern times, Nowruz has continued to evolve as it spreads across the globe, adapting to the customs and traditions of the many cultures that celebrate it. In some countries, public celebrations and street festivals mark the occasion, while in others, the focus is on intimate family gatherings.

The Significance of Nowruz

Nowruz is more than just a celebration of the New Year; it represents a confluence of values and ideals that have endured for millennia. The festival is a testament to the resilience of cultural traditions, bringing together people of different backgrounds in a shared appreciation for renewal, unity, and harmony.

In today’s interconnected world, Nowruz serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage, while also fostering dialogue and understanding among different communities. For millions of people worldwide, Nowruz embodies the timeless message of hope and renewal, making it an enduring and meaningful celebration.


As a vibrant and dynamic tradition, Nowruz transcends geographical, cultural, and religious boundaries. Its elements, such as the Haft-Seen table, convey profound symbolism and continue to evolve as the festival adapts to the changing world. Embracing the spirit of renewal, unity, and cultural appreciation, Nowruz is a shining example of how ancient customs can remain relevant and cherished in our modern world.

By celebrating Nowruz, we not only honor the rich history and cultural diversity of the participating communities, but we also join in a collective expression of hope for a brighter future. This ancient festival, which has evolved and persevered through countless generations, serves as a powerful reminder that unity, understanding, and the celebration of life are values that can bring us all closer together, regardless of our individual backgrounds.

As we welcome the arrival of spring and the beginning of a new solar year, let us remember the spirit of Nowruz and strive to carry its message of renewal, unity, and tradition into our daily lives. Happy Nowruz!

– Prepared by a student librarian

Kids Take Over UBC at Asian Library

Almost 300 kids and their family members took over Asian Library on Sunday, February 19, as part of Kids Take Over UBC, creating crafts using discarded book covers and other recycled materials, learning origami, enjoying the pop-up library featuring books from X̱wi7x̱wa Library and Education Library, and listening to storytimes in Korean, Japanese and Mandarin. Asian Library also offered programming at the Alumni Centre where many more families enjoyed Tibetan and Persian storytimes and classical Indian dance. Thank you to Arts Alumni for helping sponsor the event!

Schedule for events at Asian Library

11am-4pm | Asian Library, Asian Centre | 1871 West Mall

11:00 am-4:00 pm Pop-up Library: Enjoy reading and check out picture books from Asian Library, X̱wi7x̱wa Library and Education Library collections (with a valid UBC or Community Card).
11:00 am-11:45 am Get Crafty Corner: Make cute bookmarks and figures with Taran Dhillon
11:10 am-11:30 am Storytime in Korean and English with Saeyong Kim
1:00 pm-2:00 pm       Asian Crafts & Activities: Enjoy origami, games and more with Tomoko Kitayama Yen
1:30 pm-1:50 pm Indian classical dance and storytime in Hindi and English with Swarnali Sarkar
2:15 pm-2:35 pm Storytime in Japanese and English with Sherry Zhang
3:00 pm-3:20 pm Storytime in Chinese and English with Zijing Liu

Schedule for Asian language storytime at Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre

12pm-1pm | Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre Ballroom | 6163 University Boulevard

12:05 pm-12:25 pm Storytime in Tibetan and English with Sonam Chusang
12:25 pm-12:35 pm Indian classical dance with Swarnali Sarkar
12:35 pm-12:55 pm Storytime in Persian and English with Nima Norouzi and Ava Tabatabaei

New books at the Asian Library (February 2023)

BQ4890 V573 J35 2022
毘沙門信仰のすすめ / 信貴山大本山千手院 / 東京 : 国書刊行会

CT3730 N555 2022
日本の女性たち : パイオニア 900人の伝記・評伝 / 日外アソシエーツ / 東京 : 日外アソシエーツ

DS864 H393 2022
首都京都と室町幕府 / 早島大祐, 吉田賢司, 大田壮一郎, 松永和浩 / 東京 : 吉川弘文館

DS881.5 S34 S37 2022
坂本竜馬とその時代 / 佐々木克 / 東京都文京区 : 吉川弘文館

DS894.79 T6765 S86 2022
因幡鹿野城主亀井茲矩 : 尼子家再興運動から「琉球守」拝領まで / 砂川博 / 東京 : 岩田書院

GV1783.2 B87 B88 2021
Butoh 入門 : 肉体を翻訳する / 編大野ロベルト, 相原朋枝 ; 酒向治子, ブルース・ベアード, ローズマリー・キャンデラリオ, 横尾咲子, 関典子, 塚田美紀 / 東京 : 文学通信

HG1270.5 I56 2022
東アジア国際通貨と中世日本 : 宋銭と為替からみた経済史 / 井上正夫 / 名古屋市 : 名古屋大学出版会

HQ1064 J3 M566 2022
住民力 : 超高齢社会を生き抜く地域のチカラ / 宮城孝 / 東京都千代田区 : 明石書店

NC1703 H36 2021
戯画を楽しむ / 浜田信義編著;谷川渥監修 / 東京都千代田区 : 玄光社

NE1321.8 T355 2021
木版画 : 伝統技法とその意匠 : 絵師・彫師・摺師三者協業による出版文化の歴史 / 著者竹中健司, 米原有二 / 東京都文京区 : 誠文堂新光社

PL788.4 G43 U342 2022
源氏物語と長恨歌 : 世界文学の生成 / 上野英二 / 東京 : 岩波書店

PL839 O9 M5735 2022
豊島与志雄「未来の天才」 : 自筆原稿二種の影印・翻刻・解說 / 今野真二 / 東京 : 武蔵野書院

PL856 U673 Z635 2021
村上春樹と魯迅そして中国 / 藤井省三 / 東京 : 株式会社早稲田大学出版部

PN1993.5 J3 K87 2022
映画で楽しむきもの / 著者黒川忠雄 / 東京 : 株式会社三省堂書店/創英社

WZ70 JJ3 S48 2022
病悩と治療 : 王朝貴族の実相 / 瀬戶まゆみ著 / 京都市 : 臨川書店

BL1840 H824 2022
儒学的超越性与实践性问题研究 / 胡金旺著 / 北京 : 中國社会科学出版社

CD6173 C43 2021
方寸大千 : 中国古代玺印篆刻 / 陈根远著 / 北京 : 文物出版社

DS751 L4967 2022
宋型国家历史的演进 / 李华瑞著 / 北京 : 商务印书馆

DS779.215 Z43125 2022
鄭永年論中國 : 中國民族主義新解 / 鄭永年著 / 香港 : 三聯書店(香港)有限公司

GN489 H6345 2022
中华图像文化史. 图腾卷 / 何星亮, 殷卫滨著 ; 韩丛耀主编 / 北京 : 中国摄影出版社

HE9881 A3 W827 2022
從啓德至赤[lie]角 / 吳邦謀著 / 香港 : 中華書局 (香港) 有限公司

HQ1216 M38 2022
不被定义的女性 / 马晓韵著 / 北京 : 人民邮电出版社

NA1546 H66 J5366 2022
築覺. VI, 築遊香港 / 建築遊人著 / 香港 : 三聯書店(香港)有限公司

PL1940 S266 W3644 2022
吴语三门方言研究 / 王怀军编著 / 上海 : 上海交通大学出版社

PL2464 Z6 W255 2022
周易新注 / 王錦民撰 / 北京 : 中華書局

PL2470 Z6 L82 2022
東萊博議彙校評注 / [宋]呂祖謙著 ; 慈波整理 / 杭州市 : 浙江古籍出版社

PL3031 H65 H68 2022
從香港想像中國 : 中國現代作家的香港書寫與現代文學的轉折 / 侯桂新著 / 香港:三聯書店(香港)有限公司

PN2871 L496 2022
戏台上的中国 / 廖奔, 廖琳达著 / 郑州 : 大象出版社

WZ70 JC6 Z42547 2022
中华图像文化史. 医药图像卷 / 韩丛耀主编 ; 张树剑著 / 北京 : 中国摄影出版社

Z701.3 R37 H82 2022
东巴古籍文献遗产整合性保护研究 / 胡莹著 / 北京市 : 社会科学文献出版社

BQ6351 H852 M85 2022
화엄사 잃어 버린 200년 : 통일 신라 불교 확산 의 거점 / 무진 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 글 항아리

DS904.5 C466 2022
한 번 은 불러 보았다 : 짱깨 부터 똥남아 까지, 근현대 한국인 의 인종 차별 과 멸칭 의 역사 / 정 회옥 지음 / 서울 특별시 : 위즈덤 하우스

DS917.37 H364 2022
한국 외교 정책론 / 현 인택 편저 / 서울 특별시 : 박영사

DS925 S48 K9635 2022
한 권 으로 읽는 경복궁 : 궁궐 의 전각 뒤 에 숨은 이야기 / 정 표채 지음 / 서울시 : 운곡 서원

GV1469.34 S63 K57 2022
게임 콘텐츠 와 젠더 재현 / 김 수아 / 서울 : 커뮤니케이션 북스

HN730.5 Z9 S6195 2022
신양반 사회 : 586, 그들 이 말 하는 정의 란 무엇 인가 / 김 은희 지음 / 서울시 : 생각 의 힘

HV8023 Y67 2022
여성, 경찰 하는 마음 : 우리 사회 에 여경 이 꼭 필요 하냐고 묻는 당신 을 위한 여성 경찰 안내서 / 엮은이 주 명희 ; 지은이 여성 경찰 23인 ; 기획 경찰 젠더 연구회 / 서울시 : 생각 정원

JQ1726 K485 2022
대통령 의 안보 리더십 : 1948-2022 : 역사 의 검증, 우리 의 교훈 / 김 충남 / 서울시 : 플래닛 미디어

N7360 A863 2022
한국 의 미술 문화 와 전시 / 안 휘준 / 서울 특별시 : 사회 평론 아카데미

NX584.6 Z8 P64 2022
보더리스 스토리텔러 : 무빙 이미지 의 경계 를 확장 해 나가는 8인 의 예술가들 / 전라북도 전주시 : 전주 국제 영화제

PL908 N66164 2022
한글 의 탄생 : 인간 에게 문자 란 무엇 인가 / 노마 히데키 지음 ; 박 수진, 김 진아, 김 기연 옮김 / 경기도 파주시 : 돌베개

PL954.5 K36 2022
리얼리티 재장전 : 문학 과 현실 이 가리키는 새로운 미래 : 강 경석 평론집 / 경기도 파주시 : 창비

PL992.62 K9 Z7535 2022
박 경리 이야기 / 김 형국 지음 / 경기도 파주시: 나남 출판

PN2939.8 C46 C45 2022
정 준채 평전 : 북한 영화 의 대부 / 정 철훈 지음 / 서울 특별시 : 선인

Z464 K63 C445 2022
책 의 탄생 : 조선 시대 책 의 형태 와 구성, 제작 의 모든 것 / 조 계영 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 글 항아리

BF637 S8 C2776155 2021
Saksesa principles : 52 haphte / Jaika Kainaphīlḍa ; anuvāda, Vīrena Varmā / Naī Dillī : Prabhāta Prakāśana Prā. Li.

CT1507 P86 M34 2022
आर पार के सच : कहानी-संग्रह / आभा सिंह / नई दिल्ली : अयन प्रकाशन

G465 N34 2022
Safar da ik silsila : travalogue / by Rani Naginder / Patiala : Gracious Books

PK2098.25 A885 M37 2022
Marusthal tatha anya kahaniyan / by Jaishankar / Nayī Dillī : Vāṇī Prakāśana

PK2098.39 I36 A73 2022
आर पार के सच : कहानी-संग्रह / आभा सिंह / नई दिल्ली : अयन प्रकाशन

PK2099.14 A36 M47 2022
मेरे बाद… / मुकेश भारद्वाज / दिल्ली, भारत : यश पब्लिकेशंस

PK2099.16 A936 B38 2022
बटौड़ा / विपिन चौधरी / दिल्ली : अनुज्ञा बुक्स

PK2099.36 R574 B36 2022
Band kothari ka darwaja : kahani-sangrah / by Rashmi Sharma / Dillī : Setu Prakāśana

PK2659 A865 M37 2022
Mast : collection of Punjabi stories / by Harjeet Atwal / Samana, Patiala : Sangam Publications

PK2659 D46312 R38 2021
Raat langh gai : a collection of short stories / by Jasbir Kalsi Dharamkot / Jalandhara : Pañja Āba Prakāshana

PK2659 P29 S93 2022
ਸੁੱਚਾ ਗੁਲਾਬ / ਅਮਰਜੀਤ ਕੌਰ ਪੰਨੂੰ / ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਸਰ : ਰਵੀ ਸਾਹਿਤ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਨ

PK2659 S3343 T36 2022
ਤੰਦ ਤੇ ਤਾਣੀ / ਲੇਖਕ, ਕਹਾਣੀਕਾਰ ਵਰਗਿਸ ਸਲਾਮਤ / ਲੁਧਿਆਣਾ : ਚੇਤਨਾ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਨ

PR9499.3 G644 B55155 2022
आंधारी / नमिता गोखले ; अनुवाद, प्रभात रंजन / नई दिल्ली : राजकमल पेपरबैक्स

QT260.5 Y7 B27 2021
योग एक प्रयोग : संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य का आधार / लेखिका, सुनिता बापना / जयपुर : ग्रन्थ विकास