Upcoming reading room closure

Entrance to Special Collections. UBC Archives Photograph Collection. UBC 1.1/15912

The Rare Books and Special Collections and University Archives Reading Room will be closed on Thursday, April 18, and Friday, April 19. Normal satellite reading room hours will resume on Monday, April 23. We apologize for any inconvenience!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the RBSC contact form or by sending an email to rare.books@ubc.ca.

2024 UBC Undergraduate Prize in Library Research winners announced

UBC Undergraduate Prize in Library Research graphic with badge.

UBC Library is pleased to announce the 2024 recipients of the UBC Undergraduate Prize in Library Research.

Launched in 2023, the UBC Undergraduate Prize in Library Research is a way to showcase students’ effective and innovative use of library services, information experts and resources provided by UBC Library. The Prize was established by UBC Library to encourage more and deeper use of its resources and collections, to advance information literacy at UBC, and to promote academic excellence at UBC.

This year’s winners include:

  • Diana Andrews, 3rd year Faculty of Arts student, won a $2,000 prize for her statement on her project A Machine Inhabited by the Ghost of a Woman’: Nonhuman Agency in Mary Borden’s The Forbidden Zone.
  • CJ McGillivray, 3rd year Faculty of Arts student, won a $2,000 prize for her statement on her project The Ideal (Ro)man: How Portia Balances Violence and Integrity in Julius Caesar.
  • Kyla Terenzek, 4th year Faculty of Arts student, won a $2,000 prize for her statement on her project No species-level evidence of thermophilization in microclimates of the Mytilus edulis species complex in the Pasley Island Archipelago after the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heat Dome.
  • Alexei Villareal, 3rd year Faculty of Arts student won a $1,000 for his statement on his project (Extra)ordinary People: Familial Memory and Heterotopia in the Visual Chinatown of Yucho Chow.

“UBC Library is thrilled to present this Prize for a second year to these students, who have each demonstrated a keen ability to seek out scholarly information and shared their research journeys through thoughtfully written project statements,” says University Librarian Dr. Susan E. Parker.

Adjudication for the prize was carried out by a committee that included librarian, faculty and student representation from both UBCO and UBCV and was led by the Associate University Librarian Research and Scholarship, Aleteia Greenwood. Notably, the committee’s student representatives are previous winners of the Prize.

“The adjudication committee was impressed with the quality of submissions to the Prize. The submissions were very well written, insightful, and the approach students took to their research was interesting and innovative,” says Greenwood.

Prizes will be awarded at a reception to be held in May. Congratulations to Diana, CJ, Kyra and Alexei!

Learn more about the UBC Undergraduate Prize in Library Research and how you can apply for the 2025 prize, or support the prize going forward.

New Books at the Asian Library (March 2024)

BQ4570 L3 O4 2023
한국 의 범자 역사 와 문화 / 엄 기표 지음 / 파주시 : 경인 문화사, 2023

DS916 H364 2023
한국 근대사 연구 의 쟁점 / 한 승훈 [and 15 others] 지음 / 경기도 성남시 : 한국학 중앙 연구원 출판부

DS916.55 C464 2023
포스터 로 본 일제 강점기 전체사 : 일본 식민주의 미학 과 프로파간다 / 최 규진 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 서해 문집

DS921.7 H366 2023
DMZ 의 역사 : 한반도 정전 체제 와 비무장 지대 / 한 모니까 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 돌베개

HF6161 D7 C46 2021
이 약 한 번 잡숴 봐 : 식민지 약 광고 와 신체 정치 / 최 규진 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 서해 문집

HQ789 C564 2023
청소년 인권 과 참여 / 최 윤진, 손 진희 / 경기도 파주시 : 교육 과학사

JZ1242 P345 2023
연결 된 위기 : 우크라이나 전쟁 에서 한반도 핵 위기 까지, 얄타 체제 의 해체 는 무엇 을 의미 하는가 / 백 승욱 지음 / 서울시 : 생각 의 힘

PL907 H363 2023
한국어 교육학 어디 까지 왔나 : 한국어 교육학 연구 의 동향 과 쟁점 / 강 현화 [and many others] 지음 / 서울시 : 한국 문화사

PL994.2 S47 S65 2023
설 자은, 금성 으로 돌아 오다 : 정 세랑 장편 소설 / 경기도 파주시 : 문학 동네

PL994.225 B67 A65 2023
아무도 모를 것 이다 : 정 보라 환상 문학 단편선 / 경기도 고양시 : 퍼플 레인

PL994.415 T67 C4 2023
조뚜 / 김 도운 소설집 / 대전 광역시 : 오늘 의 문학사

PL994.9 S263 P5 2023
핌 ; 오렌지빛 이랄지 / 이 상우 소설집 / 서울시 : 민음사

AM133 H35 2023
博物館とコレクション管理 : ポスト・コロナ時代の資料の保管と活用 / 金山喜昭編 / 東京都千代田区 : 雄山閣

BL2211 D4 O55 2023
鬼の日本史 : 日本に実在した「鬼狩り」たちの歴史 / 東京都中央区 : 八重洲出版

CD973 D53 T65 2023
デジタルアーカイブの新展開 / 時実象一 / 東京 : (株)勉誠社

DS865 M66 M38 2023
桃井直常とその一族 : 鬼神の如き堅忍不抜の勇将 / 松山充宏著 / 東京 : 戎光祥出版

GN303 S23 2023
サブスタンスの人類学 : 身体・自然・つながりのリアリティ/ 松尾瑞穂編 / 京都市 : ナカニシヤ出版

HV600 2011 T64 T878 2023
コミュニティ・ガバナンスと災害復興 : 東日本大震災・津波被災地域の復興誌 / 辻岳史著 / 京都市 : 晃洋書房

N5085 J3 I33 2023
100年後への置き手紙 / 井田幸昌 / 東京都千代田区 : 小学館

PL519 K648 2023
日本とは何か : 日本語の始源の姿を追った国学者たち / 今野真二 / 東京 : みすず書房

PL675 S257 2023
最新用字用語ブック / 時事通信社編 / [Tokyo] : 時事通信出版局

PL728.88 H36 2023
女人短歌 : 小さなるものの芽生えを, 女性から奪うことなかれ / 濱田美枝子 / 福岡市 : 株式会社書肆侃侃房

PN1999 S93 S88 2023
スタジオジブリ物語 / 鈴木敏夫責任編集 / 東京 : 株式会社集英社

PN5407 P6 K36 2023
現代日本の新聞と政治 : 地方紙・全国紙と有権者 / 金子智樹著 / 東京 : 東京大学出版会

DS735 X5423 2023
中國歷史穿越指南 : 逛名城, 访美景, 跟歷史人物聊八卦 / 解愛芹著 / 台北市 : 如果出版

DS736 Z46649 2023
中國五千年歷史懸案解密 : 紂王沒有那麼壞, 屈原也不是自殺的? / 仲英濤著 / 台北市 : 如果出版

DS799.42 T3212 2023
臺灣高砂族寫真老照片 / 闞正宗導讀 / 新北市 : 博揚文化事業有限公司

DS799.42 W823 2023
山居原住民與臺灣社會 : 國立臺灣博物館藏清代古文書的線索 / 吳佰祿著 / 臺北市 : 南天書局有限公司

E184 V53 Y57125 2023
離開前, 媽媽還有好多話想說 : 一個哈佛律師罹癌後, 寫給女兒的人生感悟 / 葉莉菁著; 牛世竣 / 台北市 : 春天出版國際文化有限公司

GT2853 C6 L5624 2023
紅唇與黑齒 : 縱觀檳榔文化史 / 林富士著 / 臺北市 : 三民書局

HN752.5 L54125 2023
香港不屈 : 不能被磨滅的城市 / 林慕蓮 ; 廖珮杏譯 / [新北市] : 八旗文化/遠足文化事業

PL2946.5 C438 Y5 2023
遺址 / 林承志著 / 台中市 : 白象文化事業有限公司

PL2878 N57 S55 2022
失聲畫眉 / 凌煙 / 台北市 : 玉山社出版事業股份有限公司

PN1997 A14 H396 2023
哈勇家 / 出品, 華映娛樂股份有限公司 [and seven others]; 編劇, 陳潔瑤, 謝惠菁 ; 導演, 陳潔瑤 / 臺北市 : 飛行國際視聽股份有限公司

PN2878 X77 H68 2023
好好拍電影 / 導演文念中 ; 監製廖婉虹, 文念中 / 台北市 : 嘉勳實業有限公司

WB55.C4 P5224 2023
最潮中醫史 : 以形補形行不行, 古人醫病智慧超展開 / 皮國立著 / 臺北市 : 三民書局

B132 N8 R33 2020
नञ्वाद. रामचन्द्रतर्कवागीशकृत-नञ्वादटिप्पन्या समलङ्कृतः रघुनाथस्य नञ्समासः आङ्गलव्याख्यासहितं मूलम् / सम्पादक एवं अनुवादक, सुजाता ब्यानार्जी / नई दिल्ली : राष्ट्रीय पाण्डुलिपि मिशन तथा देव पब्लिशर्स एण्ड डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर्स

BQ9288 M365155 2021
ज़ेन : सरल जीवन जीने की कला / शुनम्यो मसुनो ; अनुवाद, रचना भोला ‘यामिन’ / भोपाल : मंजुल पब्लिशिंग हाउस

DS377 C34 2023
ਰਾਵੀ ਦੇਸ ਹੋਇਆ ਪਰਦੇਸ / ਹਰਕੀਰਤ ਕੌਰ ਚਹਿਲ / Patiala : Gracious Books

LC32 M37 2022
हर दिन नया दिन / ओरिसन स्वेट मार्डेन / दिल्ली : अमर साहित्य सदन

PK409 T74 S27 2020
सारस्वतसाधना के आयाम : आचार्य गोकुलप्रसाद त्रिपाठी स्मृति ग्रंथ / संपादक, राधावल्लभ त्रिपाठी / दिल्ली, भारत : न्यू भारतीय बुक कॉरपोरेशन

PK2098.41 P34 C46 2023
छोटे शहर की बड़ी बिरादरी : (उपन्यास) / रमेश उपाध्याय / नयी दिल्ली : शब्दसंधान प्रकाशन

PK2098.42 I58 B53 2023
बीच धार में : कहानी-संग्रह / विनोद दास / गाज़ियाबाद, उ. प्र. : अंतिका प्रकाशन प्रा. ली

PK2099.25 A36 Z46 2023
गुलाबी गलियारे : संस्मरण / डॉ. अंजु दुआ जैमिनी / नई दिल्ली : अयन प्रकाशन

PK2099.42 A762 N395 2023
नायिका : उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी के रंगमंच पर : नटी बिनोदिनी / सुलोचना वर्मा / नोएडा, उत्तर प्रदेश : सेतु प्रकाशन

PK2659 S2562 A96 2023
ਔਨਰ ਕਿਲਿੰਗ / ਜਸਬੀਰ ਸਿੰਘ ਸਾਹਨੀ / Samana : ਨਵਰੰਗ ਪਬਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨਜ਼

PN5374 G39 2020
स्वातन्त्र्योत्तर संस्कृतशोधपत्रकारिता / डॉ॰ लाला शंकर गयावाल / दिल्ली : विद्यानिधि प्रकाशन

PR1307.5 P36 K37 2023
ਕੜਵਾ ਬਦਲਾ : ਤਿੰਨ ਲਘੂ ਨਾਵਲਿਟ / ਅਨੁਵਾਦਕ, ਨਛੱਤਰ ਸਿੰਘ ਗਿੱਲ / Samana : ਨਵਰੰਗ ਪਬਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨਸ਼

Access to Sage Website and Database not working via UBC OpenAthens

OpenAthens is seeing issues with the Sage website not loading. Users will see a blank screen or a HTTP ERROR 500.

OpenAthens is working to resolve the issue.

Open Collections Highlight – Historical Children’s Literature Collection

The Historical Children’s Literature Collection contains eighty-five works of children’s literature spanning from the late 18th to late 19th Centuries. The collection is a collaboration between UBC’s School of Information, Department of English Language & Literatures, Rare Books and Special Collections (RBSC) and Digitization Centre. The physical materials are from both RBSC’s historic children’s literature holdings as well as the Arkley Collection of Early Historical Children’s Literature.

Many of the stories featured in this blog post are variations of classics that you will likely recognize as stories from your own childhood. Others are less well known and may be tales you’ve never heard before!

UBC’s collection contains many chapbooks and early Canadian children’s literature materials. The books featured in this blogpost are all chapbooks, which McGill Rare Books states are “small, unbound, paper-covered books that were carried and sold by itinerant peddlers known as ‘chapmen’”.

I hope you enjoy perusing these historic children’s stories!

Jack and Jill, and Old Dame Gill:

This chapbook of “Jack and Jill, and Old Dame Gill” is thought to be from 1820. There is a pattern in the poetic meter (the number of syllables in each line), with the poem generally following a four-four-seven structure.

The History of Cinderella

This chapbook of “The History of Cinderella” is from 1840. The story is a narrative poem written in iambic pentameter, and rhymed in heroic couplets.

The History of Giles Gingerbread, A Little Boy, Who Lived Upon Learning

Children’s literature often contains strong moral messaging in an effort to teach young children about societal values. As these values and morals change through time and differ between cultures and geographic regions, readers can discern which values were commonly bestowed upon children during any given time period.

Giles Gingerbread is a great example of this as it is a moral tale thought to be from around two-hundred years ago (1820). The story highlights the importance of honesty, charity, goodwill, and hard work and follows the classic ‘American dream’ formula of inspiring upward class mobility, particularly through learning to read and write.

One interesting observation that can be made from the chapbooks featured in this blog post is the difference in how class mobility opportunities are presented to male and female characters in these tales. Cinderella is an example of a young girl who is beautiful, obedient and kind and through these traits she achieves upward class mobility by marrying a rich prince. In contrast, the male child in Giles Gingerbread is encouraged to learn to read and write in order to become wealthy. Of course, this observation is not a new one, it is an obvious and well documented trend in children’s literature, and one that unfortunately persists into contemporary children’s media. Although there is certainly progress being made!

That’s all for this week’s blog post, I hope you enjoyed reminiscing on some childhood stories and exercising some very light critical analysis.

Thank you for reading!

CNKI databases slow load issue

We are seeing slow loading issues and sometimes no access with our CNKI databases.

We are investigating, please use access through our Resource Pages in the meantime

Indigenous Archivist, X̱wi7x̱wa Library & University Archives | Vancouver Campus | Full Time, Without Review

Indigenous Archivist
X̱wi7x̱wa Library & University Archives | Vancouver Campus
Full Time, Without Review
Anticipated Start Date: July 01, 2024


As one of the world’s leading universities, the University of British Columbia creates an exceptional learning environment that fosters global citizenship, advances a civil and sustainable society, and supports outstanding research to serve the people of British Columbia, Canada and the world.

We honour, celebrate and thank the xʷməθkʷəy̓ əm (Musqueam) and Syilx Okanagan peoples on whose territories the main campuses of the University of British Columbia have the privilege to be situated.

The University of British Columbia Library is one of the largest academic libraries in Canada and consistently ranks among the top university research libraries in North America. UBC Library has 14 branches and divisions across two campuses (Vancouver and Kelowna), including an off-site hospital library; a multi-purpose teaching and learning facility, the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre; and the X̱wi7x̱wa Library, a centre for academic and community Indigenous scholarship. Almost 300 knowledgeable employees – librarians, management and professional staff, support staff and student staff – provide users with the excellent resources and services that they need to further their research, teaching and learning.

To highlight a few exciting projects that the Library is working on:

  • William Shakespeare’s First Folio published in 1623 gifted to UBC Library
  • UBC Library becomes first Canadian institution to join Dryad open-data repository
  • UBC Library launches Open Publishing Program

The UBC Library is committed to being a respectful, healthy environment that encourages leadership, collegiality, diversity, individual growth and opportunity. Explore our aspirational values that we strive to uphold and actively incorporate into all aspects of our organization. We are committed to eliminating institutional and structural systems of oppression and power (such as colonialism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ableism, and white supremacy).

Learn more about the UBC Library Strategic Framework and about working with us.


In support of UBC Library’s Strategic Framework and UBC’s Indigenous Strategic Plan, the Indigenous Archivist (2-year term position) is responsible for processing archival materials at X̱wi7x̱wa Library, setting forth access protocols, and developing a long-term maintenance plan. Guided by the Steering Committee on Canada’s Archives’ Reconciliation Framework report, and with respect for Indigenous Peoples’ intellectual sovereignty over archival materials created by or about Indigenous Peoples, the Indigenous Archivist appraises, acquires, arranges, describes, preserves, and makes available (where culturally appropriate) records of archival value from X̱wi7x̱wa Library’s collection.

X̱wi7x̱wa Library is the only Indigenous branch of an academic library in Canada. It is often looked to as a leader in Indigenous Academic Librarianship in British Columbia, Canada and internationally. Its staff, services, and collections are key drivers that support the UBC Indigenous Strategic plan and Indigenous initiatives in UBC Library’s strategic plan.

The University Archives serves as the central repository for recorded data in all formats created by, for, and about the University of British Columbia. Its mandate, according to Board of Governors Policies GA4 & GA5, is to identify, select, preserve and make available for use these permanently valuable records.


Working with the Head of X̱wi7x̱wa Library and University Archivist, the Indigenous Archivist recommends policies and procedures for the use, storage and preservation of archival materials. The Indigenous Archivist also provides reference service to researchers wishing access to archival holdings at X̱wi7x̱wa Library, and supervises staff and student workers as required. The Indigenous Archivist works in an environment of iterative and consultative decision–making and will work closely with colleagues at the First Nations House of Learning, University Archives, Rare Books and Special Collections, and X̱wi7x̱wa Library. The Indigenous Archivist participates in the development of library policy, procedures, and services, as they pertain to the culturally appropriate handling of Indigenous Archives. The successful candidate will bring their experience and expertise to develop and implement an Indigenous and decolonized approach to the archival collections at X̱wi7x̱wa Library.

Please visit the UBC careers website to view the full position description and on how to apply.



  • Masters-level degree with a specialization or concentration in archival science.
  • Experience building productive relationships and working collegially with a diverse population of colleagues and/or users in keeping with the UBC Respectful Environment Statement
  • Willingness to respect diverse perspectives, including perspectives in conflict with one’s own.
  • Demonstrates a commitment to enhancing one’s own awareness, knowledge, and skills related to equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Familiarity with the distinct culture and history of British Columbia First Nations communities.
  • An understanding of the importance of collecting, preserving, and providing access to archival materials in an Indigenous context.
  • Experience working with Indigenous cultural property and an understanding of the OCAP Principles.
  • Cultural fluency for Indigenous contexts based on experiential knowledge.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of Indigenous scholarship, Indigenous information services, and Canadian Indigenous peoples’ histories and cultures.
  • Knowledge of Canadian Copyright Law as well as notable exceptions in Indigenous contexts.
  • Experience working with archival material in all formats.
  • Awareness of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and how this applies to UBC corporate records.
  • Proficiency in archival theory, familiarity with standards like ISAAR (CPF), and adherence to best practices such as the Rules for Archival Description.
  • An awareness of UBC Board of Governors Archives policy GA5 & Records Management policy GA4.
  • Awareness of principles of records management in an institutional or academic setting. Experience building productive relationships and working collegially with a diverse population of colleagues and/or users in keeping with the UBC Respectful Environment Statement.
  • Ability to initiate, plan and carry out projects, both independently and as a member of a team.
  • Ability to consult with others, incorporate learned technical knowledge, and make independent decisions.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including report writing, speaking in meetings and public presentations.


  • Experience working with Indigenous communities.
  • Experience working with Indigenous resources in multiple formats.
  • Degree in First Nations and Indigenous Studies or a related discipline.
  • Understanding of Indigenous language linguistic representations and constructs.
  • Experience or knowledge related to incorporating equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and anti- racism and social justice values into overall professional practice.
  • Previous experience working in an archives or library special collections environment would be an asset.
  • Experience applying the Rules for Archival Description (RAD), archival appraisal methodology, and other tasks related to archival processing.
  • Experience with Access to Memory (AtoM)
  • Experience working in an academic library.
  • Information technology and digital literacy skills.
  • Awareness of UBC Retention Schedules.


Appointment: This is a full-time, 2-year term appointment with an anticipated start date of July 2024.

The successful candidate will be a member of The University of British Columbia Faculty Association and the terms and conditions of appointment are governed by the Collective Agreement between UBC and the UBC Faculty Association (http://www.hr.ubc.ca/faculty-relations/collective-agreements/).

Eligibility: We are only considering applications from librarians with a maximum of 2 years of professional library/archivist experience. However, all internal candidates will be considered regardless of years of experience and are encouraged to apply.

Salary: Starting salary is $81,510 to $84,000 per annum. Actual salary offered will be commensurate with experience and academic/professional qualifications, as well as internal parity. UBC also offers a comprehensive benefits package. Information about salary increases can be found in the Collective Agreement: http://www.hr.ubc.ca/faculty-relations/collective-agreements/.

Benefits: Librarians and their dependents are eligible for an extensive benefits package including extended health care coverage, dental coverage, Employee and Family Assistance Program, life insurance, pension and travel benefits. To support families, UBC provides a top-up for eligible employees on maternity or parental leave. Tuition assistance is also available for qualifying employees and dependent children. In addition, librarians/archivists are eligible for professional development funding to support career growth at the university, as well as study leave. Details are available in the Collective Agreement, and for more information see UBC Human Resources: https://hr.ubc.ca/benefits/eligibility- enrolment/employee-groups. Additional information about relocation to UBC Vancouver can be found: https://hr.ubc.ca/working-ubc/housing-and-relocation-services.

UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. All qualified persons are encouraged to apply.

Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.


Applications will include: a detailed and current curriculum vitae; and a letter of application that includes a statement of citizenship/immigration status and indicates the candidate’s education, training and work experience in the areas listed above, as well as how did you hear about this opportunity. One consolidated PDF is preferred.

Please visit the UBC careers website to view the full position description and on how to apply. The application deadline will be at 11:59pm on May 03, 2024.

New Books at the Law Library – 24/04/02

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KD1949 .C54 2023 Andrew Tettenborn et al., eds., Clerk & Lindsell on Torts, 24th ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, 2023). LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE265 .O43 2023 Ashlyn O’Mara., Communication and Writing for Paralegals, 2nd ed. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications Limited, 2023). LAW LIBRARY reference room […]

New Books at Education Library: April 2024

Discover the latest arrivals at our library! We’ve recently acquired an exciting assortment of new books, spanning from captivating fiction to insightful non-fiction.

Click on the title for more information:

D804.66.S55 H66 2023 Harboring hope: the true story of how Henny Sinding helped Denmark’s Jews escape the Nazis / Susan Hood.


PZ7.F866 In 2023 In every life / Marla Frazee.


PZ7.L96768 Ss 2023 Stars and smoke / Marie Lu.


PZ7.K5285 Ru 2023 The Ruby code / Jessica Khoury.


PZ7.C24255 Ro 2023 Royal blood / Aimée Carter.


PZ7.T4930 Qac 2022 The q / Amy Tintera.


PZ7.1.Z64 Ni 2023 Nigeria Jones / Ibi Zoboi.


PZ7.1.W5775 Las 2023 Last chance dance / Lakita Wilson.


PZ7.1.L4174 Su 2023 Sun keep rising / Kristen R. Lee.


PZ7.1.E4745 Bl 2023 The black queen / Jumata Emill.


PZ7.1.P352 Do 2022 The do-over / Lynn Painter.


PZ7.1.W418 Re 2023 The Revelry / Katherine Webber.


PZ7.5.I46 Sal 2023 Salt the water / by Candice Iloh.


Robert Janke appointed Deputy University Librarian, Okanagan Campus

Robert Janke begins his five-year term as Deputy University Librarian, Okanagan Campus on April 1, 2024.