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七夕 – Evening of Sevens in China, Japan, and Korea

This year the Evening of Sevens, or the Double Seventh Festival (meaning, a celebration on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month), will fall on the 22nd of August. Double Seventh is being celebrated throughout East Asia though each country has its own origin stories and has developed unique and distinctive ways of observing […]

Asian Library Research Lens Event Recap

On Thursday, June 8th, UBC Asian Library was thrilled to host presentations highlighting how our users engage with Asian Library’s collections and services for their research. Each presenter discussed their topic of interest and how Asian Library’s resources were relevant to the topic, with time for shared Q&A afterwards. Justin Chun-Yin Cheng presented a summary […]

New books at the Asian Library (June 2023)


BQ9262.9 C5 K633 2022
再增订本中国禅思想史 : 从6世纪到10世纪 / 葛兆光著 / 北京市 : 北京大学出版社
DS709 G61125 2022
1898年的夏日 : 一个德国记者的中国观察 / 保罗・戈德曼著 ; 吴伟栗译 / 北京市 : 人民文学出版社
DS727 L869 2022
漫长的余生 : 一个北魏宮女和她的时代 / 罗新著 / 北京市 : 北京日报出版社
DS732 X829 2022

UBC Library Open Education Impact & Activity Report – 2022/2023

A highlight of UBC Library’s combined impact on open educational practices at UBC for 2022/2023.

Japanese Great Reads 2022/23: Highlights

New Japanese Great Reads titles have arrived! Check out latest award-winning novels, thought-provoking nonfiction selections, fascinating manga offerings, and more. Come to Asian Library’s Upper Floor and browse the new arrivals of leisure reading titles. The 2022/23 Great Reads collection was curated by Nobu Kawaguchi, Asian Library Student Librarian and MLIS student at UBC School […]

New books at the Asian Library (May 2023)

South Asian

BQ2240 F367 F86 2023
東アジア仏教の生活規則梵網経 : 最古の形と発展の歴史 / 船山徹著 / 京都市 : 臨川書店
BQ8249 G947 H54 2023
東アジア仏教思想史の構築 : 凝然・明恵と華厳思想 / 野呂靖, 張文良, 金天鶴編 / 京都市 : 法蔵館
DS832 O56 2022
「新しいアイヌ学」のすすめ : 知里幸恵の夢をもとめて / 小野有五 / 東京 : 藤原書店

UBC Asian Library Presents: Asian Library Research Lens

Date: Thursday, June 8th, 2023 Time: 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (PST) Location: Zoom UBC Asian Library is thrilled to host presentations highlighting how our users make the most of our resources. Hear how our users engage with Asian Library’s collections and services for their research. Each presenter will discuss their topic of interest and […]

Nowruz: A Celebration of Renewal, Unity, and Tradition

Introduction Nowruz, also known as Persian New Year or Iranian New Year, is an ancient festival that has evolved and adapted over the centuries. Celebrated by millions of people worldwide, this unique event marks the beginning of the solar year and the arrival of spring. As a rich cultural experience, Nowruz transcends borders, embodying the […]