Wedding Planning Industry Overview

Wedding Planning Industry Overview melissa

New Books at the Asian Library (February 2024)

BL2225 A1 F87 2023
古事記に秘められた聖地・神社の謎 : 八百万の神々と日本誕生の舞台裏 / 神道学者三橋健編 / 東京 : ウェッジ

BQ4175 H57 2023
なぜ仏教は多様化するのか : “教え”は”真理”の乗物にすぎない! / 平岡聡 / 東京都渋谷区 : 大法輪閣

CD973 D53 K96 2023
共振するデジタル人文学とデジタルアーカイブ / 鈴木親彦責任編集 / [Tokyo] : 勉誠出版

DS882 I68 2023
ステレオ写真で眺める明治日本 : まちとむらの暮らし、富士山への憧れ / 井上卓哉著 / 東京都文京区 : 古今書院

DS896.6 S55 2023
新・江戶東京研究の世界 / 法政大学江戶東京研究センター編 / 東京 : 法政大学出版局

GR730 F6 S27 2023
怪異・きつね百物語日本人ときつね : 怪異・きつね百物語 / 笹間良彦著 / 東京都千代田区 : 雄山閣

HV555 J3 S2248 2023
災害復興学事典 / 日本災害復興学会編 / 東京 : 朝倉書店

LC2365 K35 2023
男社会をぶっとばせ! : 反学校文化を生きた女子高生たち / 梶原公子 / 東京 : あっぷる出版社

ND1053.5 E256 2023
江戶の図譜 : 蟲 / 狩野博幸監修 / 東京都渋谷区 : 河出書房新社

PL519 K649 2023
ことばの教育 : 日本語で読み, 書き, 考える / 紅野謙介 / 東京 : 青土社

PL777.92 A85 S55 2023
私小說 / 金原ひとみ編 / 東京 : 河出書房新社

PL839 O522 A615 2023
1893-1966, 新しい女は瞬間である : 著作集 / 尾竹紅吉 / 富本一枝 ; 足立元編 / 東京 : 皓星社

PN1993.5 K6 I86 2023
描かれた「歴史」と社会の変化 / 伊東順子 / 東京 : 株式会社集英社

WC506.7 S2445 2023
災禍の時代の社会学 : コロナ・パンデミックと民主主義 / 遠藤薰 [and 3 others]編 / 東京都目黒区 : 東京大学出版会

Z250.5 L6 A45 2023
亜細亜の漢字ロゴデザイン/ 編者ヴィクショナリー ; 翻訳堀口容子/東京 : グラフィック社

DS732 X8292 2022
百年侨务图文集 / 徐云编著 / 广州 : 暨南大学出版社

DS799.5 W4629 2023
叩問民間  考掘台史 / 温振華著 / 台北市: 吳三連臺灣史料基金會

E184 C5 A1265 2023
100年北美华人移民史 / 张西主编 / 北京 : 中国华侨出版社

GT1556 Z4643 2022
原飾那麼美 : 臺灣原住民16族服飾文化藝術與生活美學 / 蜜兒(曾春滿)編著 ; 李竹旺攝影 / 苗栗縣 : 木果文創有限公司

HQ76.3 C6 W355 2023
認同而不出櫃 : 中國同性戀者的生存困境 / 王晴鋒著 / 臺北市 : 時報文化出版企業股份有限公司

HV6570.4 T28 C446692 2022
沉默 : 特教學校集體性侵事件判決的艱難 / 陳昭如 / 台北市 : 春山出版有限公司

PL2368 B34 L529 2023
海外中国宝卷收藏与研究导论 / 李永平, (荷)伊维德, (俄)白若思等著 / 上海市 : 上海古籍出版社

PL2862.I237 M45 2022
沒有信箱的男人 / 夏曼.藍波安著 / 臺北市 : 聯合文學出版社股份有限公司

PL2878 N57 Z48 2022
竹雞與阿秋 / 凌煙 / 台北市 : 玉山社出版事業股份有限公司

PL2976 T5369 R829 2022
如雪如山 / 张天翼著 / 北京 : 人民文学出版社

PL3032 S5462 S5468
深圳新文学大系:「底层文学」卷 / 深圳市 : 海天出版社

PN1997 A14 H396 2023 dvd
哈勇家 / 華映娛樂股份有限公司 [and seven others];  導演, 陳潔瑤 / 臺北市 : 飛行國際視聽股份有限公司

PN1997.2 T5638 2022 dvd
聽見歌再唱 / 十三月股份有限公司製作、出品 / 台北市 飛擎國際視聽有限公司

S471 C6 W323 2023
中国古代耕织图概论 / 王潮生著 / 石家庄 : 花山文艺出版社 : 河北科学技术出版社

PK1718 R3119 P53155 2023
फटिकचन्द / सत्यजित राय, बांग्ला से अनुवाद, मुक्ति गोस्वामी / दिल्ली : रेमाधव पब्लिकेशन्स

PK2098.12 T73 D37 2023
दस्तखत : (लघुकथा- संग्रह) / रामकुमार आत्रेय / गाज़ियाबाद, उ. प्र. : अंतिका प्रकाशन प्रा. लि

PK2098.29 U28 A63 2023
दस्तखत : (लघुकथा- संग्रह) / रामकुमार आत्रेय / गाज़ियाबाद, उ. प्र. : अंतिका प्रकाशन प्रा. लि

PK2098.36 N48 A52 2023
आकाश चम्पा / संजीव / दिल्ली : रेमाधव पेपरबैक्स

PK2099.27 O33 J36 2023
जंगलगाथा / लोकबाबू / दिल्ली : राजपाल

PK2099.3 A73 A43 2023
अम्बिका / आशुतोष नाड़कर / नयी दिल्ली : वाणी प्रकाशन

PK2099.4 R53 S24 2023
सफ़र लम्बा है / बाबूराम त्रिपाठी / नयी दिल्ली : वाणी प्रकाशन

PK2659 B46 C45 2023
ਛਿੱਟ ਛਿੱਟ ਦੇ ਤਿਰਹਾਏ : ਨਾਵਲ / ਜਸਬੀਰ ਭੁੱਲਰ / Mohali-Chandigarh, India : Lokgeet Parkashan

PK2659 K4893 S53 2023
ਸ਼ਾਹਸਵਾਰ : ਕਹਾਣੀ ਸੰਗ੍ਰਹਿ / ਵਰਿੰਦਰ ਖੁਰਾਣਾ / Patiala : Gracious Books

PK2659 M2957 M375 2023
ਮਰਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾਂਦਾ : ਚੋਣਵੀਆਂ ਕਹਾਣੀਆਂ / ਸੁਖਵੰਤ ਕੌਰ ਮਾਨ / ਲੁਧਿਆਣਾ : ਚੇਤਨਾ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਨ

PK2659 V37 H57 2023
ਹੀਰ ਵਾਰਿਸ ਸ਼ਾਹ / ਸੰਪਾਦਕ, ਮਨਪ੍ਰੀਤ ਕੌਰ / ਸਮਾਣਾ : ਨਵਰੰਗ ਪਬਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨਜ਼

PR9796.5 N373 M26155 2023
मालगुडी की कहानियाँ / आर. के. नारायण; अनुवाद, महेंद्र कुलश्रेष् / दिल्ली : राजपाल

DS907 C547 2023
5천년 역사 가 단숨 에 이해 되는 최소한 의 한국사 / 최 태성 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 프런트 페이지

DS922.42 K556 Y56 2023
김 대중 과 중국 / 이 남주, 장 신기, 장 윈링, 비 잉다 공저 / 서울 특별시 : 연세 대학교 출판 문화원

DS922.463 Y86 2023
모든 현재 의 시작, 1990년대 / 윤 여일 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 돌베개

HN730.5 A8 C415 2023
이탈리아 로 가는 길 : 선진국 한국 의 다음 은 약속 의 땅 인가 / 조 귀동 지음 / 서울시 : 생각 의 힘

JC421 K56 2023
누가 민주주의 를 두려워 하는가 : 지성사 로 보는 민주주의 혐오 의 역사 / 김 민철 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 창비

PL994.15 H96 W3 2023
완벽 한 죽음 을 팝니다 / 지 현상 소설집 / 충청남도 : 오러

PL994.18 C455 K8 2023
구 의 증명 / 최 진영 소설 / 서울 특별시 : 은행 나무

PL994.18.C455 T34 2023
단 한 사람 / 최 진영 장편 소설 / 서울시 : 한겨레 출판

PL994.225 B67 H3 2023
한밤 의 시간표 / 정 보라 연작 소설집 / 경기도 고양시 : 퍼플 레인

PL994.9 S523 K55 2023
공산주의자 가 온다! : 이 신주 소설집 / 서울 특별시: 아작

QC24.5 K54 2023
하늘 과 바람 과 별 과 인간 : 원자 에서 인간 까지 / 김 상욱 지음 / 서울시 : 바다 출판사

Hina Matsuri and Koinobori Display

The Asian Library is currently hosting a display featuring hina ningyō and koinobori in celebration of Girl’s Day and Children’s Day.  

Hina ningyō are a set of dolls that represent the emperor, empress, attendants, and musicians in ancient court dress. They are set up on a tiered platform in celebration of hina matsuri (doll festival), a festival for girls held on March 3. The hina ningyō featured in the display, on loan from Gage Dierkes, were purchased from a Japanese gift store in Honolulu, Hawaii and given to her family in 1974 by her grandmother. Hina matsuri is celebrated by the family by eating hishimochi (diamond-shaped rice cakes) and drinking shirozake (made with rice malt and sake).  

Koinobori (carp streamers) are carp-shaped banners, flown in celebration of Children’s Day on May 5. In Japan, carps are a symbol of success, due to the ancient Chinese legend of a carp swimming upstream and becoming a dragon. The black carp represents the father, the red one the mother and the blue one the son. Traditionally, koinobori, were flown to celebrate the health and prosperity of male children, but the practice has come to include children of all genders.

The Japanese lanterns in the background are on loan from the Westside Japanese Language Society and were constructed by Akira Furuzawa. These Japanese lanterns, called chōchin are commonly displayed during matsuri (festivals).  


“Doll Festival 【雛祭】”, Encyclopedia of Japan, JapanKnowledge,, (accessed Feb.20,2024) 

“koinobori 【鯉幟】”, Encyclopedia of Japan, JapanKnowledge,, (accessed Feb.20,2024) 

Kids Take Over UBC at Asian Library – Event Recap

Photo credit: Harshi Jhaveri

Photo credit: Harshi Jhaveri

On Sunday, February 18, Asian Library welcomed approximately 800 participants as part of Kids Take Over UBC, which is hosted by UBC Campus + Community Planning. The event brought together campus partners to host family-friendly activities in their venues and across the campus. Asian Library partnered with Nitobe Gardens for koi and garden-themed display activities, and offered games and storytimes for family members of all ages. Student librarians Nobu Kawaguchi, Fin Bartels and Grace Park supported the programming alongside the rest of the Asian Library team.

Kids Discover Asia: Discover Asian Games – Ages 5+
10:00am-4:00pm  Lunar New Year Riddles
1:00-3:00pm  Hopscotch
3:00-3:40pm  Japanese karuta Card Games and Korean Board Games
 Kids Discover Asia: Asian Language Storytimes & Kamishibai – Ages 0+
(*Storytimes are conducted in both English and Asian languages)
10:10-10:30am  Mandarin Storytime
11:20-11:40am  Korean Storytime
11:40am-12pm  Kamishibai Japanese Paper Theatre
1:30-1:45pm  Persian Storytime with Pardis Sherkani
2:15-2:30  Urdu and Hindi Storytime with Naveena Naqvi
 Kids Discover Asia: Get Crafty – All ages
10:40-11:20am Origami: Discover the art of origami and make koi fish and other animals and objects with paper.
12:30-1:00pm Kite Bookmarks: Create kite bookmarks to celebrate the Lunar New Year using discarded book covers.
1:00-1:30pm Koinobori (Carp Streamers): Construct your own carp streamer, a Children’s Day tradition in Japan.
2:00-3:30pm Mehndi by Meet: Experience beautiful henna skin decorations (space limited).
2:00-2:30pm Origami: Discover the art of origami and make koi fish and other animals and objects with paper.
2:30-3:00pm Squiggly insects and flowers: Make insects and flowers with pipe cleaners.
 Kids Discover Asia: A Japanese Garden Exploration – All ages
10:00am-4:00pm In addition to the above activities, UBC Asian Library and UBC Botanical Garden invite you to explore the magic of Nitobe Memorial Garden. Stroll along the pathways, take in the peaceful sights, sounds and smells while completing a scavenger hunt and connecting with nature.

We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam).

WE ARE HUMAN!: Film Discussion Event Recap

On Tuesday, February 6, approximately sixty-two in person participants and twenty-seven online participants attended a hybrid panel discussion featuring a documentary film on human rights violations in Japan. The event, which was hosted by UBC Asian Library and the Department of Asian Studies, centered around the film Watashitachi wa Ningen da! ワタシタチハニンゲンダ! (We are Human!) which was produced in 2022 by director Ko Chanyu, a second-generation Zainichi (‘residing in Japan’) Korean journalist and filmmaker.

The film can be viewed here (CWL required):

This free public event, offered concurrently as part of UBC’s Arts Studies course, ASTU 201: Canada, Japan and the Pacific: Cultural Studies, highlighted the work of panelists with expertise on the history of contemporary issues of (im)migration, labour, and racism in Canada and Japan.

After watching a filmed interview by Director Ko, Dr. Ayaka Yoshimizu, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Asian Studies & UBC-Ritsumeikan Academic Exchange Programs, moderated an enlightening discussion with panelists Dr. Christina Yi, Associate Professor of Modern Japanese Literature, Department of Asian Studies, and Dr. Evelyn Encalada Grez, Assistant Professor of Labour Studies Program, Sociology and Anthropology, Simon Fraser University.

Dr. Yi addressed the history of Zainichi Koreans and the Japanese government’s policies towards them as the foundation for subsequent policies regarding immigrants and refugees. Dr. Encalada Grez presented on similar human and labour rights issues in Canada, notably the migrant farm workers who are an essential part of Canadian and BC agriculture, yet are subject to inhumane living conditions and restrictions of basic human freedoms.

The following additional resources were recommended for those interested in furthering their knowledge:


New books at the Asian Library (January 2024)

JQ571 S34 2023
ਇਹ ਜ਼ਿੰਦਗੀ ਦਾ ਕਾਰਵਾਂ / ਪ੍ਰਵੇਸ਼ ਸ਼ਰਮਾ / Patiala : Sangam Publications

PK1718 R3119 A6155 2023
मास्टर अंशुमान / सत्यजित राय ; बांग्ला से अनुवाद, मुक्ति गोस्वामी / दिल्ली : रेमाधव पब्लिकेशन्स

PK2098 K3839 N37 2023
नरेंद्र-मोहिनी : पवित्र प्रेम में सर्वस्व त्यागने और प्रतिशोध की अग्नि में प्राण तक अर्पण करने की रोचक कथा! / लेखक, देवकीनंदन खत्री; संपादक, एम. आई. राजस्वी / नई दिल्ली : Fingerprint! Hindi, प्रकाश बुक्स इंडिया प्राइवेट लिमिटेड का एक प्रकाशन

PK2098.32 A779 P34 2023
पहाड़ कथा : कहानी-संग्रह / दिनेश पाठक / ग़ाज़ियाबाद, उ. प्र. : अंतिका प्रकाशन प्रा. लि

PK2099.16 A87 S56 2023
सिमसिम / गीत चतुर्वेदी / नोएडा, उ. प्र : हिन्द युग्म

PK2099.25 H86 P38 2023
पतझड़ में वसन्त / शीला झुनझुनवाला / नयी दिल्ली : वाणी प्रकाशन

PK2099.36 I55 C86 2023
चुनौतियाँ : कहानी-संग्रह / राघवेंद्र सैनी / नई दिल्ली : अयन प्रकाशन

PK2418 P31545 M35155 2023 v.1
महासम्राट : पहला खंड झंझावात / विश्वास पाटील ; अनुवाद, रवि बुले / नई दिल्ली : राजकमल पेपरबैक्स

PK2659 G825 K48 2023
ਖ਼ੂਹ ਵਿੱਚ ਰੂਹ : ਨਾਵਲ / ਸਿੰਮੀ ਕੌਰ ਗੁਪਤਾ / ਲੁਧਿਆਣਾ : ਚੇਤਨਾ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਨ

PK2659 M2932 S53 2023
ਸ਼ਗਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਚੁੰਨੀ : ਕਹਾਣੀ-ਸੰਗ੍ਰਹਿ / ਜਸਬੀਰ ਮਾਨ / ਲੁਧਿਆਣਾ : ਚੇਤਨਾ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਨ

PK2659 R357 M88 2023
ਮੁਤਬੰਨਾ: ਨਾਵਲ/ ਰਾਜਬੀਰ ਰੰਧਾਵਾ / ਚੰਡੀਗੜ੍ਹ : ਸਪਤਰਿਸ਼ੀ ਪਬਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ

PK2659 S2562 K34 2023
ਕਾਫ਼ਰ ਕੌਣ : ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੀ ਵੰਡ ਲਹੂ ਦੀ ਹਨੇਰੀ / ਜਸਬੀਰ ਸਿੰਘ ਸਾਹਨੀ / Samana : ਨਵਰੰਗ ਪਬਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨਜ਼

PR4034 P7155 2023
प्राइड एंड प्रेजुडिस : गर्व और पूर्वाग्रह / जेन ऑस्टेन ; अनुवादक, आलोक रंजन / नई दिल्ली : Fingerprint! Hindi, प्रकाश बुक्स इंडिया प्राइवेट लिमिटेड का एक प्रकाशन

PR9796.5 B65 A5155 2022
परियोंवाली पहाड़ी और अन्य कहानियाँ / रस्किन बॉण्ड ; अनुवाद, भगवंत अनमोल / नई दिल्ली : प्रभात पेपरबैक्स

PZ43 L7 A9166 2023
ਕਠਪੁਤਲਾ : ਇਟਲੀ ਦੀ ਪ੍ਰਸਿੱਧ ਰਚਨਾ ਪਿਨਾਕੀਓ ਦਾ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ / ਅਨੁਵਾਦਕ, ਰਾਜਿੰਦਰ ਸਿੰਘ ਆਹਲੂਵਾਲੀਆ / Samana : ਨਵਰੰਗ ਪਬਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨਸ਼

B127 N4 L836 2023
多元視域中的明清理學 / 呂妙芬 / 新北市 : 聯經出版事業股份有限公司

BF1584 C5 P826 2023
漢唐的巫蠱與集體心態 / 蒲慕州 / 新北市 : 聯經出版事業股份有限公司

DS751 L53644 2022
北宋的改革與變法 : 熙寧變法的源起、流變及其對南宋歷史的影響 / 梁庚堯 / 臺北市 : 國立臺灣大學出版中心出版

DS751 L53645 2023
南宋朝野論王安石與新法 / 梁庚堯 / 臺北市 : 國立臺灣大學出版中心出版

DS751.6 L5829 H83 2023
居鄉懷國 : 南宋鄉居士人劉宰的家國理念與實踐 / 黃寬重 / 臺北市 : 三民書局股份有限公司

DS753 Y8253 2023
从南京到北京 : 明代前期的政治、历史和文学想象 / 余来明 / 北京市 : 生活・讀書・新知三联书店

DS753.2 X5247 2023
晚明泉州的士大夫 :開海,商業與宗教 / 李孝悌 / 新北市 : 聯經出版事業股份有限公司

DS753.5 X546 2023
天地之孤 : 方以智及其師友的生命情志 / 謝明陽 / [花蓮縣] : 謝明陽

DS799.42 Y424 2023
強制移住 : 臺灣高山原住民的分與離 / 葉高華著 / 臺北市 : 臺大出版中心

HJ2981 R53469 2023
日本学者明清赋役制度史研究 / (日) 鹤见尚弘, 吴滔, 陈永福主编 / 上海市 : 中西书局

JQ1512 Z13 R324 2023
澄清吏治 : 明代文官考核与官僚政治 / 黄阿明 / 上海 : 上海人民出版社

N6756 F3649 2023
中为洋用 : 欧洲艺术中的中国元素 / 方曦闽著 / 南京市 : 江苏人民出版社

PL2879 Y3 A6 2023
大国战略与中美关系 : 刘亚洲文集 (第一卷) / 刘亚洲 / 紐約 : 博登書屋

PN779 C5 S554 2023
跨界理論 / 史書美 / 新北市 : 聯經出版事業股份有限公司

Z462.3 Z43625 A4 2023
書信中的商務印書館 : 張元濟致王雲五的信札 : 一窺百年前出版經營甘苦談 / 張元濟, 王雲五 / 新北市 : 台灣商務印書館股份有限公司

BR1335 P87 Y53 2023
6.25 전쟁기 부산 지역 기독교 의 공존 과 갈등, 1950-1953 / 이 종민 / 서울 : 한국 기독교 역사 연구소

DS905.82 P356 A3 2023
100년 을 이어온 역사가 의 길 / 박 환 / 서울 특별시 : 선인

DS914.5 H664 A4 2023
혜경궁 홍 씨 의 부친 이며 사도 세자 의 장인 인 洪 鳳漢 간찰첩 / 정 승경 譯註 / 서울 : 안 북스

HB74.9 K6 P8 2023
부자 되기 를 가르치는 학교 : 돈 을 위한 경제 교육 을 넘어 / 하 금철 / 서울시 : 교육 공동체 벗

HC467.965 Y538 2023
이 강국 의 경제 EXIT : 길 을 잃은 한국 경제, 긴축 과 불평등 의 출구 를 찾아라 / 이 강국 지음 / 서울시 : 책세상

LA1331 S556 2023
한국 교육 사상 의 맥 / 신 재흡 저 / 경기도 파주시: 교육 과학사

PL958 P3 2023
한국 고전 문학사 강의 / 박 희병 / 경기도 파주시 : 돌베개

PL961.8 C528 2023
그럼 에도 우리 는 이해 하지 못할 것 이다 / 정 재훈 / 경기도 고양시 : 파란

PL991.55 H93 Z95 2023
나 혜석, 융합적 삶 을 위한 외길 에 홀로 서다 / 이 화형 / 경기도 파주시 : 푸른 사상

PL991.96 T6 Z556 2023
윤 동주 를 다시 만나다 : 윤 동주, 소 강석 詩 평설 / 김 종회 지음 / 서울 : 문학 나무

PN1995.9 S62 H36 2021
한국 나쁜 영화 100年 / 기획 ACC 시네마 테크; 글 손 시내 / 광주 광역시 : Asia Culture Center

SB419 K3 2021
식물 상담 : 처음 부터 잘하고 싶은 식물 집사들 을 위한 안내서 / 강 세종 지음 / 서울시 : 북 하우스 엔

UA853 K6 C4746 2023
불가능 했던 동맹 성공 한 동행 : 한미 동맹 70년 을 돌아 보다  / 최 형두 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 21세기 북스

Z3321 S8 2023
스탈린 거리 의 평양 책방 : 1960년대 이전 북한 의 번역서 / 한 상언, 김 명우 엮음 / 경기도 남양주시 : 한 상언 영화 연구소

DS832.7 A1 Y37 2022
外国人差別の現場 / 安田浩一, 安田菜津紀 / 東京 : 朝日新聞出版

DS882 K387 2023
葛藤と模索の明治 / 小林和幸編 / 東京 : 有志舎

HQ1237.5 J3 S838 2023
ジェンダー平等社会の実現へ : 「おかしい」から「あたりまえ」に / 杉井静子 / 東京 : 日本評論社

JV8723 N985 2023
入管を問う : 現代日本における移民の収容と抵抗 / 岸見太一, 高谷幸, 稲葉奈々子 / 京都市 : 人文書院

P94.6 K36 2023
異文化コミュニケーション : 自文化と異文化の理解をめざして / 上村妙子 / 東京 : 専修大学出版局

PL872.5 I844 M595 2022
水 : 本の小說 / 北村薰 / 東京 : 新潮社

PN1993.5 A1 K388 2023
映画の木洩れ日 / 川本三郎 / 東京 : キネマ旬報社

Kids Discover Asia at Asian Library on Feb 18 – Kids Take Over UBC

We at Asian Library are excited to welcome you and your family to campus on Sunday, February 18, from 10 am to 4 pm! Hosted by UBC Campus + Community Planning, Kids Take Over UBC brings together campus partners to host family-friendly activities in their venues and across the campus. Museums, arts and cultural amenities, faculties, and student organizations participate by coordinating activities that showcase their unique talents, skills and interests. Buy tickets now!

Schedule for events at Asian Library, Asian Centre (1871 West Mall)

Kids Discover Asia: Discover Asian Games – Ages 5+
10:00am-4:00pm  Lunar New Year Riddles
10:00am-4:00pm  Scavenger Hunt in the Stacks
1:00-3:00pm  Hopscotch
3:00-3:40pm  Japanese Card Games and Korean Board Games
 Kids Discover Asia: Asian Language Storytimes & Kamishibai – Ages 0+
(*Storytimes are conducted in both English and Asian languages)
10:10-10:30am  Mandarin Storytime
11:20-11:40am  Korean Storytime
11:40am-12pm  Kamishibai Japanese Paper Theatre
1:30-1:45pm  Language TBD
 Kids Discover Asia: Get Crafty – All ages
10:40-11:20am Origami: Discover the art of origami and make koi fish and other animals and objects with paper.
12:30-1:00pm Kite Bookmarks: Create kite bookmarks to celebrate the Lunar New Year using discarded book covers.
1:00-1:30pm Koinobori (Carp Streamers): Construct your own carp streamer, a Children’s Day tradition in Japan.
2:00-2:30pm Origami: Discover the art of origami and make koi fish and other animals and objects with paper.
2:30-3:00pm Squiggly insects and flowers: Make insects and flowers with pipe cleaners.
 Kids Discover Asia: A Japanese Garden Exploration – All ages
10:00am-4:00pm In addition to the above activities, UBC Asian Library and UBC Botanical Garden invite you to explore the magic of Nitobe Memorial Garden. Stroll along the pathways, take in the peaceful sights, sounds and smells while completing a scavenger hunt and connecting with nature.

We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam).

WE ARE HUMAN!: Documentary Film Screening + Panel Discussion at UBC Asian Library

Event Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Time: 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (PST)
Location: Hybrid (Asian Centre Auditorium: 1871 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2, and Online)

Registration Link: 

We honour, celebrate and thank the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) and Syilx Okanagan peoples on whose territories the main campuses of the University of British Columbia have the privilege to be situated.

UBC Asian Library and the Department of Asian Studies invite the community to a public event featuring the documentary film, Watashitachi wa Ningen da! ワタシタチハニンゲンダ! (We are Human!), produced in 2022 by director Ko Chanyu, a second-generation Zainichi (‘residing in Japan’) Korean journalist and filmmaker. This award-winning film interrogates Japan’s immigration policies, surfacing issues of racism and discrimination. It can also cast reflections on British Columbia’s own disturbing relationship with its migrant foreign workers, a crucial labour force for BC agriculture.

This free public event, offered concurrently as part of UBC’s Arts Studies course, ASTU 201: Canada, Japan and the Pacific: Cultural Studies, includes guest lecturers providing insights into the history of contemporary issues of (im)migration, labour, and racism in Canada and Japan. The event will also
feature a panel discussion.

We will be discussing, not viewing, the film at this event. Participants are encouraged to view the film beforehand. UBC students and employees can access the film through the Library. For participants with other affiliations, please ensure to leave your email at the time of registration to receive a private link to
watch the film.

  • Evelyn Encalada Grez, Assistant Professor of Labour Studies Program, Sociology and Anthropology, Simon Fraser University
  • Christina Yi, Associate Professor of Modern Japanese Literature, Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia
  • Ayaka Yoshimizu, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Asian Studies & UBC-Ritsumeikan Academic Exchange Programs, University of British Columbia

Everyone is invited to attend this free hybrid event. Registration is required.

For more information, please contact Saeyong Kim, Korean Studies Librarian at or Tomoko Kitayama Yen, Japanese Studies Librarian at

Film Synopsis

On March 6, 2021, Rathnayake Liyanage Wishma Sandamali (aged 33) died in a state of starvation and organ failure following seven months of detention in an immigration detention centre in Nagoya, Japan; she had gone to a police station seeking protection from a violent relationship, but instead she was taken into custody for “illegal overstaying of visas,” after which her requests to return to Sri Lanka and subsequent requests for medical care and provisional release were repeatedly denied. The horrific circumstances of her death sparked a wave of citizen protests and brought the harshness of the Japanese government’s legal and institutional control of immigrants and refugees into the public consciousness. This documentary (winner of the fifth annual Muno Takeji Chiiki Minshū Journalism Award; selected Best Documentary, International New York Film Festival 2023) outlines the history of Japan’s Alien Registration Act, established primarily to control the Korean population in Japan in the aftermath of WWII, and illustrates how the oppressive framework of control has continued through to the present day, bringing the non-Japanese interviewees to share a common cry: “we are not animals—we are human!”

Words in Allard School of Law Faculty Publication Titles in 2023

Donoghue v Stevenson (Snail) Display

Come and see the Donoghue v Stevenson (Snail) display in the Learning Commons