Lost access to Diao Long Database of Chinese and Japanese Ancient Books

We have lost access to the Diao Long Database of Chinese and Japanese Ancient Books https://resources.library.ubc.ca/page.php?details=diao-long-database-of-chinese-and-japanese-ancient-books—&id=2670

We are working with the provider to get this issue resolved.

CPS ( RxTx) Access Issues

Some users are seeing access issues with CPS. http://resources.library.ubc.ca/page.php?id=674

The CPS website is having technical issues blocking access for some users.

New Books at the Law Library – 24/03/05

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K487.T4 A76 2023 Imran Ahmad & Shreya Gupta, Legal Guide to Emerging Technologies (Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, 2023). LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3240 .I5789 2022 Daniel Moeckli, et al. eds., International Human Rights Law, 4th ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022). LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3240 .K35 2019 Walter Kälin & Jörg […]

Vintage Travel Pamphlets from the Chung Collection

Canadian Travel Pamphlets from the Chung Collection:

Since the weather in Vancouver has been less than appealing as of late, I decided to peruse the travel pamphlets available through UBC’s Open Collections as a way of experiencing a vicarious vacation.

This blog post will highlight some of the travel pamphlets from the Chung collection. These eye-catching vintage pamphlets were distributed as advertisement for travel by ship, plane, or train within Canada as well as internationally. The Wallace B. Chung and Madeline H. Chung collection, donated in 1999 by Drs. Wallace and Madeline Chung, contains over 10,000 items of archival documents, photographs, books, and other artifacts. The majority of the collection centers three broad themes: British Columbia History, Immigration and Settlement, and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. I hope you enjoy this blog post, and maybe even get inspired to finally book that vacation!

Banff Springs Hotel, Chateau Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies

This pamphlet advertising Banff Springs Hotel and Chateau Lake Louise is thought to be from some time after 1950. The pamphlet features information on amenities and activities of each destination. It features photographs of the hotels themselves, the interior of the rooms, and the gorgeous surrounding nature. The front of the pamphlet features a stamp indicating that, at some point, it belonged to Williams Travel Agency in Bellingham, Washington.


By train … through the Canadian Rockies

“This booklet is your welcome to the Canadian Rockies, the view-filled four hundred miles of peaks and passes, crags and canyons, streams and cataracts that make the journey by Canadian Pacific through the Rocky, Selkirk and Coast Ranges one of the travel wonders of the world”.

This pamphlet, thought to be from 1955, is meant to be read while the passenger is on the train. The pamphlet includes photographs, sketched maps of the railway route, informs passengers of must-see spectacular views and gives an overview of each location the train stops, including local attractions.

Yoho Valley in the Canadian Rockies and the glaciers of the Selkirks

This pamphlet advertising trips via CPR to Yoho Valley and the glaciers of the Selkirks is from 1903. The pamphlet features black and white photographs of the area, in depth information on the region including various mountains and glaciers, as well as tips for photographers, guided tour offerings, a topographical map, accommodation options, and more.

Canadian Pacific Cruises: round the world and Mediterranean, 1925-26

This pamphlet from 1925 advertises a Round the World Cruise and a Mediterranean cruise that occurred between 1925-26. The Round the World Cruise was scheduled from December 10th, 1925-April 10th, 1926, and the Mediterranean Cruise from February 16th, 1926 – April 13th, 1926. This pamphlet features gorgeous illustrations accompanying informative write ups for each destination.

Australia, New Zealand, Honolulu, Fiji

This pamphlet is advertising a cruise which departed from Vancouver, stopping in Hawaii, Japan, China, Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji. The tour occurred during the “fall and winter months”. Although the exact date is not known, this pamphlet is thought to be from some time after 1920. The cover features a Kookaburra, a bird which is native to Australia.

Bermuda: rates and sailings, Duchess of York

This pamphlet from 1930, is for Canadian Pacific, “the world’s greatest travel system”. It features prices, dates, and departure options for Canadian Pacific World Wide cruises. It also contains information on traveler’s cheques, baggage insurance, sightseeing, and other information for passengers.

If you enjoyed viewing these vintage travel pamphlets, there are plenty more available through Open Collections.

Thank you for reading!

Wedding Planning Industry Overview

Wedding Planning Industry Overview melissa

New Books at the Asian Library (February 2024)

BL2225 A1 F87 2023
古事記に秘められた聖地・神社の謎 : 八百万の神々と日本誕生の舞台裏 / 神道学者三橋健編 / 東京 : ウェッジ

BQ4175 H57 2023
なぜ仏教は多様化するのか : “教え”は”真理”の乗物にすぎない! / 平岡聡 / 東京都渋谷区 : 大法輪閣

CD973 D53 K96 2023
共振するデジタル人文学とデジタルアーカイブ / 鈴木親彦責任編集 / [Tokyo] : 勉誠出版

DS882 I68 2023
ステレオ写真で眺める明治日本 : まちとむらの暮らし、富士山への憧れ / 井上卓哉著 / 東京都文京区 : 古今書院

DS896.6 S55 2023
新・江戶東京研究の世界 / 法政大学江戶東京研究センター編 / 東京 : 法政大学出版局

GR730 F6 S27 2023
怪異・きつね百物語日本人ときつね : 怪異・きつね百物語 / 笹間良彦著 / 東京都千代田区 : 雄山閣

HV555 J3 S2248 2023
災害復興学事典 / 日本災害復興学会編 / 東京 : 朝倉書店

LC2365 K35 2023
男社会をぶっとばせ! : 反学校文化を生きた女子高生たち / 梶原公子 / 東京 : あっぷる出版社

ND1053.5 E256 2023
江戶の図譜 : 蟲 / 狩野博幸監修 / 東京都渋谷区 : 河出書房新社

PL519 K649 2023
ことばの教育 : 日本語で読み, 書き, 考える / 紅野謙介 / 東京 : 青土社

PL777.92 A85 S55 2023
私小說 / 金原ひとみ編 / 東京 : 河出書房新社

PL839 O522 A615 2023
1893-1966, 新しい女は瞬間である : 著作集 / 尾竹紅吉 / 富本一枝 ; 足立元編 / 東京 : 皓星社

PN1993.5 K6 I86 2023
描かれた「歴史」と社会の変化 / 伊東順子 / 東京 : 株式会社集英社

WC506.7 S2445 2023
災禍の時代の社会学 : コロナ・パンデミックと民主主義 / 遠藤薰 [and 3 others]編 / 東京都目黒区 : 東京大学出版会

Z250.5 L6 A45 2023
亜細亜の漢字ロゴデザイン/ 編者ヴィクショナリー ; 翻訳堀口容子/東京 : グラフィック社

DS732 X8292 2022
百年侨务图文集 / 徐云编著 / 广州 : 暨南大学出版社

DS799.5 W4629 2023
叩問民間  考掘台史 / 温振華著 / 台北市: 吳三連臺灣史料基金會

E184 C5 A1265 2023
100年北美华人移民史 / 张西主编 / 北京 : 中国华侨出版社

GT1556 Z4643 2022
原飾那麼美 : 臺灣原住民16族服飾文化藝術與生活美學 / 蜜兒(曾春滿)編著 ; 李竹旺攝影 / 苗栗縣 : 木果文創有限公司

HQ76.3 C6 W355 2023
認同而不出櫃 : 中國同性戀者的生存困境 / 王晴鋒著 / 臺北市 : 時報文化出版企業股份有限公司

HV6570.4 T28 C446692 2022
沉默 : 特教學校集體性侵事件判決的艱難 / 陳昭如 / 台北市 : 春山出版有限公司

PL2368 B34 L529 2023
海外中国宝卷收藏与研究导论 / 李永平, (荷)伊维德, (俄)白若思等著 / 上海市 : 上海古籍出版社

PL2862.I237 M45 2022
沒有信箱的男人 / 夏曼.藍波安著 / 臺北市 : 聯合文學出版社股份有限公司

PL2878 N57 Z48 2022
竹雞與阿秋 / 凌煙 / 台北市 : 玉山社出版事業股份有限公司

PL2976 T5369 R829 2022
如雪如山 / 张天翼著 / 北京 : 人民文学出版社

PL3032 S5462 S5468
深圳新文学大系:「底层文学」卷 / 深圳市 : 海天出版社

PN1997 A14 H396 2023 dvd
哈勇家 / 華映娛樂股份有限公司 [and seven others];  導演, 陳潔瑤 / 臺北市 : 飛行國際視聽股份有限公司

PN1997.2 T5638 2022 dvd
聽見歌再唱 / 十三月股份有限公司製作、出品 / 台北市 飛擎國際視聽有限公司

S471 C6 W323 2023
中国古代耕织图概论 / 王潮生著 / 石家庄 : 花山文艺出版社 : 河北科学技术出版社

PK1718 R3119 P53155 2023
फटिकचन्द / सत्यजित राय, बांग्ला से अनुवाद, मुक्ति गोस्वामी / दिल्ली : रेमाधव पब्लिकेशन्स

PK2098.12 T73 D37 2023
दस्तखत : (लघुकथा- संग्रह) / रामकुमार आत्रेय / गाज़ियाबाद, उ. प्र. : अंतिका प्रकाशन प्रा. लि

PK2098.29 U28 A63 2023
दस्तखत : (लघुकथा- संग्रह) / रामकुमार आत्रेय / गाज़ियाबाद, उ. प्र. : अंतिका प्रकाशन प्रा. लि

PK2098.36 N48 A52 2023
आकाश चम्पा / संजीव / दिल्ली : रेमाधव पेपरबैक्स

PK2099.27 O33 J36 2023
जंगलगाथा / लोकबाबू / दिल्ली : राजपाल

PK2099.3 A73 A43 2023
अम्बिका / आशुतोष नाड़कर / नयी दिल्ली : वाणी प्रकाशन

PK2099.4 R53 S24 2023
सफ़र लम्बा है / बाबूराम त्रिपाठी / नयी दिल्ली : वाणी प्रकाशन

PK2659 B46 C45 2023
ਛਿੱਟ ਛਿੱਟ ਦੇ ਤਿਰਹਾਏ : ਨਾਵਲ / ਜਸਬੀਰ ਭੁੱਲਰ / Mohali-Chandigarh, India : Lokgeet Parkashan

PK2659 K4893 S53 2023
ਸ਼ਾਹਸਵਾਰ : ਕਹਾਣੀ ਸੰਗ੍ਰਹਿ / ਵਰਿੰਦਰ ਖੁਰਾਣਾ / Patiala : Gracious Books

PK2659 M2957 M375 2023
ਮਰਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾਂਦਾ : ਚੋਣਵੀਆਂ ਕਹਾਣੀਆਂ / ਸੁਖਵੰਤ ਕੌਰ ਮਾਨ / ਲੁਧਿਆਣਾ : ਚੇਤਨਾ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਨ

PK2659 V37 H57 2023
ਹੀਰ ਵਾਰਿਸ ਸ਼ਾਹ / ਸੰਪਾਦਕ, ਮਨਪ੍ਰੀਤ ਕੌਰ / ਸਮਾਣਾ : ਨਵਰੰਗ ਪਬਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨਜ਼

PR9796.5 N373 M26155 2023
मालगुडी की कहानियाँ / आर. के. नारायण; अनुवाद, महेंद्र कुलश्रेष् / दिल्ली : राजपाल

DS907 C547 2023
5천년 역사 가 단숨 에 이해 되는 최소한 의 한국사 / 최 태성 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 프런트 페이지

DS922.42 K556 Y56 2023
김 대중 과 중국 / 이 남주, 장 신기, 장 윈링, 비 잉다 공저 / 서울 특별시 : 연세 대학교 출판 문화원

DS922.463 Y86 2023
모든 현재 의 시작, 1990년대 / 윤 여일 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 돌베개

HN730.5 A8 C415 2023
이탈리아 로 가는 길 : 선진국 한국 의 다음 은 약속 의 땅 인가 / 조 귀동 지음 / 서울시 : 생각 의 힘

JC421 K56 2023
누가 민주주의 를 두려워 하는가 : 지성사 로 보는 민주주의 혐오 의 역사 / 김 민철 지음 / 경기도 파주시 : 창비

PL994.15 H96 W3 2023
완벽 한 죽음 을 팝니다 / 지 현상 소설집 / 충청남도 : 오러

PL994.18 C455 K8 2023
구 의 증명 / 최 진영 소설 / 서울 특별시 : 은행 나무

PL994.18.C455 T34 2023
단 한 사람 / 최 진영 장편 소설 / 서울시 : 한겨레 출판

PL994.225 B67 H3 2023
한밤 의 시간표 / 정 보라 연작 소설집 / 경기도 고양시 : 퍼플 레인

PL994.9 S523 K55 2023
공산주의자 가 온다! : 이 신주 소설집 / 서울 특별시: 아작

QC24.5 K54 2023
하늘 과 바람 과 별 과 인간 : 원자 에서 인간 까지 / 김 상욱 지음 / 서울시 : 바다 출판사

New Display in the Law Library – IWD & Celebrating Women in Law

New Displays in the Law Library:

• International Women’s Day

• Celebrating Women in Law

Multiple Authentication Issues

There appears to be a technical issue happening with our authentication tool OpenAthens and we have lost access to multiple resources including:

We are working to get this fixed as quick as we can. If you notice an issue with a site not listed above, please report it here: https://about.library.ubc.ca/contact-us/ejournal-help/

Access Medicine Error – “do not have permission to access this particular resource”

Users trying to access McGraw Hill’s Access Medicine may see this error:

“You are logged into the OpenAthens service, but you do not have permission to access this particular resource. Please contact the OpenAthens administrator at your institution to request access.”

As workaround please use the Access Medicine link from the Library Resource Page to access – http://resources.library.ubc.ca/page.php?id=328

Hina Matsuri and Koinobori Display

The Asian Library is currently hosting a display featuring hina ningyō and koinobori in celebration of Girl’s Day and Children’s Day.  

Hina ningyō are a set of dolls that represent the emperor, empress, attendants, and musicians in ancient court dress. They are set up on a tiered platform in celebration of hina matsuri (doll festival), a festival for girls held on March 3. The hina ningyō featured in the display, on loan from Gage Dierkes, were purchased from a Japanese gift store in Honolulu, Hawaii and given to her family in 1974 by her grandmother. Hina matsuri is celebrated by the family by eating hishimochi (diamond-shaped rice cakes) and drinking shirozake (made with rice malt and sake).  

Koinobori (carp streamers) are carp-shaped banners, flown in celebration of Children’s Day on May 5. In Japan, carps are a symbol of success, due to the ancient Chinese legend of a carp swimming upstream and becoming a dragon. The black carp represents the father, the red one the mother and the blue one the son. Traditionally, koinobori, were flown to celebrate the health and prosperity of male children, but the practice has come to include children of all genders.

The Japanese lanterns in the background are on loan from the Westside Japanese Language Society and were constructed by Akira Furuzawa. These Japanese lanterns, called chōchin are commonly displayed during matsuri (festivals).  


“Doll Festival 【雛祭】”, Encyclopedia of Japan, JapanKnowledge, https://japanknowledge-com.eu1.proxy.openathens.net, (accessed Feb.20,2024) 

“koinobori 【鯉幟】”, Encyclopedia of Japan, JapanKnowledge, https://japanknowledge-com.eu1.proxy.openathens.net, (accessed Feb.20,2024)